16. |
Date: |
July 18, 2005 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A.
Berger, |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
By: |
Dickhaut |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: Yes |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: Notice of Exemption Proposed |
District, based in part on the April 14, 2005, “Seaside Groundwater Basin: Update on Water Resource Conditions” report
prepared by Gus Yates, Martin Feeney and Lewis Rosenberg, has determined that
the annual quantity of groundwater that can be produced in the Coastal Subarea
of the Seaside Groundwater Basin without causing adverse effects, such as
seawater intrusion, declining water levels and land subsidence (characterized
as “Sustainable Yield”) is 2,220 acre feet per year. During water year 2004, production from the
Coastal Subarea of the
The District’s Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project has artificially
replenished groundwater supplies of the Coastal Subarea by adding non-native
water to offset cumulative overproduction from the Seaside Basin, has produced
water in excess of the amounts injected, and provides an extra increment of
water to California American Water (Cal-Am) for delivery to its customers. However, expansion of the project is needed
to address and mitigate potential adverse effects that may result from
overproduction from the
The cost to complete Phase I of the ASR project cannot be adequately
funded without increasing water use fees.
Based on reasonable and fair investigation, the Board of Directors has
determined that an increase in the District’s existing water user fee is needed
to fund the Phase I expansion effort, and proposed future ASR expansion
costs. The Board has further determined
that debt issuance secured by the increased user fee is the most cost-effective
way to fund the ASR expansion costs. The District has budgeted $345,000 in
anticipated expenditures, including labor and expansion costs, in the 2005-06
budget and anticipates additional ASR expansion costs in the amount of $2,660,000
in fiscal years 2006-07 and 2007-08 for a total estimated expenditure of $3,005,000. In addition, costs of the debt issuance including
underwriter, bond counsel and trustee fees, etc. are estimated to be
approximated $85,000 bring the total amount of debt issued to about
$3,090,000. The annual debt service over
fifteen years at an assumed interest rate of $4.5% would be about $287,700 per
On June 20, 2005 the Board of Directors approved the District’s 2005-06 budget which included a 1.25% increase in the user fee (from 7.125% to 8.325%) to the user fee collected on the Cal-Am bills. This will provide approximately $300,000 per year to fund completion of the Phase I ASR Project and pay labor costs related to the project. The increase is not intended to collect funds beyond those required to maintain plant, facilities, equipment, supplies and personnel necessary to provide water service, and the charge to any specific water user will not exceed the proportional cost to provide or reserve water to that water user.
Ordinance No. 123 (Exhibit 16-A) which implements the user fee increase is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 (a) (1) – Rates, Tolls, Fares, Charges. The water use fee is to meet District operating expenses including employee wage rates and fringe benefits, consultant services, legal services and direct costs, including permit processing, enforcement and associated litigation expense. A draft Notice of Exemption is attached as Exhibit 16-B.
staff recommends that the Board: 1) approve
first reading of Ordinance No. 123, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of
the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Increasing Water Use Fees to
Fund Aquifer Storage Recovery and Related Water Supply Expenses; and 2) approve
the Notice of Exemption to be filed after the second reading and final adoption
or Ordinance No. 123.
BACKGROUND: The District has collected a user fee since 1983. Exhibit 16-C is a history of the user fee percentages collected since that time. The current user fee of 7.125% has been in effect since 1992. At that time Ordinance No. 61 decreased the user fee from 8.125% to 7.125% and allocated 6.015% to the Mitigation Fund and 1.110% to the Conservation Fund. In 1993 Ordinance No. 67 changed the allocation of the user fee so that the 1.110% portion of the fee could be allocated to any fund, rather than it being directly to the Conservation Fund. Since that time the 1.110% portion has continued to be allocated to the Conservation Fund, however, in Fiscal Year 2003-04 $500,000 was transferred from the Conservation Fund to the Capital Fund. On June 20, 2005 the Board of Directors approved the District’s 2005-06 budget which included a 1.25% increase in the user fee (to 8.325%) to fund completion of the Phase I ASR Project.
16-A Draft Ordinance No. 123
16-B Draft Notice of Exemption
16-C User Fee History