Committee of the
Peninsula Water Management District
meeting was called to order at 8:35 AM in the District Conference Room.
Committee members present: Judi Lehman
Kristi Markey
Staff members present: Rick Dickhaut
Andy Bell
Larry Hampson
Joe Oliver
David Dettman
Sara Reyes
Counsel present: David Laredo (arrived at 9:05 AM)
members absent: Alvin Edwards
Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter
not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications. Public comment on any other matter listed on
the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the
No public comment was received.
1. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Integrated Regional Water Management in the Greater Monterey Bay Area
Larry Hampson, Water Resources Engineer, reported on this item. After discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0 and included a request from the committee for staff to give a brief, oral presentation on this item at the July 18, 2005 Board meeting.
2. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and the Carmel River Steelhead Association
Dave Dettman, Sr. Fisheries Biologist reported that this item was initially approved 3 to 0 by the Administrative Committee on June 9, 2005. After further discussion between the District and the Carmel River Steelhead Association, both parties agreed that this item would be ready to present to the Board in July rather than in June in order to allow continued discussions between both parties and to make any necessary revisions to the Memorandum of Agreement. Several minor changes were presented to the committee. The committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Consider Extension of United States Geological
Survey Cooperative Agreement for Water Year 2006
Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager, reported on this item. The committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Consider Authorization to Extend Vehicle
Maintenance Agreement with the City of Monterey for Fiscal Year 2005-2006
Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager/Chief Financial Officer, reported on this item. After discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Consider Contract Amendment with RAMLIT
Associates for Computer Modeling Assistance (CVISM)
Henrietta Stern, Project Manager/Public Information Representative, reported on this item. After discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Consider Contract Amendment with IDIAS
Consulting for Water Distribution System Permitting Assistance
Henrietta Stern reported on this item. The committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Consider Approval of Third Quarter Investment Report
Rick Dickhaut reported that the District’s Investment Policy requires the Board to receive a quarterly report on the investments held by the District. After discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Adopt Treasurer’s Report for May 2005
Rick Dickhaut reported on this item. District Counsel Laredo answered questions raised by the committee related to legal fees. The committee recommended approval 2 to 0.
Other Business
Review Draft July 18, 2005 Board Meeting Agenda
Director Lehman reported to District Counsel Laredo that Consent Calendar Item 2-- Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Integrated Regional Water Management in the Greater Monterey Bay Area would likely be pulled for discussion from an Administrative Committee member to allow a brief, oral report by staff. Director Markey asked questions with regards to the Public Hearing and Action Items being presented at the July 18 Board meeting. District Counsel Laredo responded to questions raised by the committee. No changes were made to the agenda.
Comments/Other Business
Director Lehman asked for an update as to
whether a Town Hall Meeting had been scheduled by the District. Staff reported that August 25, 2005 has been
reserved to conduct this meeting at the Embassy Suites hotel.
Staff reported that the Board Strategic
Planning Session has been scheduled for September 8, 2005. The September Administrative Committee will
need to be rescheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 AM.