2004/2005 Strategic Plan
(1) Will strive to serve as a catalyst in collaboration with public and private entities for environmentally responsible solutions that result in a reliable and legal water supply; and
(2) Shall be a fiscally responsible, professionally and publicly respected leader in managing water resources.
The mission of the MPWMD is to manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment.
Objective: To Improve the Understanding of and the Image
of the MPWMD in the Community
· |
Help the community understand the complexity of the District’s Mission |
3/21/05 -- Simpler, shorter Annual Report format approved. |
· End current perceived inconsistent communication with Cities
Done 11/04 |
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Reports – add standing item on Board member reports by November 2004 |
· Update and publicly disseminate Policies and Procedures Manual
· Seek professional help as necessary and appropriate
Objective: Increase Community Partnerships
· Find funding for community conservation programs
· Define community connections
· Participate in community events/service organizations
11/10/04 Leadership Monterey Forum Panelist |
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Introduce the General Manager throughout the region and speak on Mission and Vision; begin in November 2004 through Speaker’s Bureau activities |
Objective: Continue to Improve Board-member to Board-member Communication
· |
Conduct a strategic planning workshop annually/twice a year |
7/05 – Working with Board and Consultant to Schedule Workshop in September 2005 |
Objective: Make Annual Budget More User Friendly for Board and Public
· |
Change budget format (include information by division, by program, and by linking revenues and expenses) |
Done 1/19/05 Preliminary 2005-06 Budget Workshop |
Objective: Determine Whether Permit Fees and User Fees
Should be Increased
· Determine fiscal needs and potential shortfalls
Done 1/19/05 Preliminary 2005-06 Budget Workshop |
Update Board on existing Needs Report status by January 2005 |
Done 1/19/05 Preliminary 2005-06 Budget Workshop |
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Fully describe current allocation of permit fees and user fees by January 2005 |
Done 2/24/05 |
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Final update with mid-year budget review by February 2005 |
Objective: Establish Appropriate Staffing Levels
· Review staffing levels and current work assignments
Objective: Clarify ASR Program
Determine where the ASR Program is going, and determine whether to expand MPWMD partnership with Cal-Am on Seaside Basin ASR project. |
Memorandum of Agreement on 4/18/05 Agenda. Deferred by Board to
5/16/05 Agenda, discussed on 6/16/05, deferred from 6/20/05 Agenda and again
to 8/15/05 Agenda.
Objective: Streamline Water Distribution System Permits
Second reading of Ord. 118 12/13/04 |
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Ordinance No. 118 to be considered at November 2004 meeting. |
Revised target. Set for second reading on 7/18/05. |
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Ordinance No. 122 to be considered at the May 2005 meeting. |
Objective: Develop Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan
· Develop Seaside Plan
Done 10/7/04 |
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Conduct initial meeting of the Advisory Committee in October 2004 |
Objective: Determine Agency Role in Environmental
· Audit Existing Practices
Objective: Establish Consistency and Simplicity in Policies and Procedures
· Develop and streamline internal Agency Policies and Procedures
Objective: Better Communication with Local Jurisdictions
and the Public Regarding MPWMD Policies
· Update and publicly disseminate Policies and Procedures Manual
Revised Target |
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Complete a draft Policies and Procedures Manual by June 2005 |
Revised Target |
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Submit for Board review and action an implementation ordinance by July 2005 |
Revised Target |
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Ensure that any changes are widely disseminated in a timely manner beginning in August 2005 |
Objective: Determine Agency Role in Conservation
Objective: To Have a More Community Outreach Focus
12/9/04 Open House |
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Celebrate what is going right by June 2005 |
Done 10/04 |
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Obtain stream alteration agreement from California Department of Fish and Game by October 15, 2004 |
Done 10/04 |
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Work with Supervisor Potter to obtain the commitment of the California Department of Fish and Game to meet its obligations immediately |
Objective: Improve Efficiency of Water Distribution
System Permits
Objective: Increase Efficiency of Staff Time Related to Administrative Documents
Audit Reports, Board Packets and Documents |
Done 12/04
Objective: Recognize Board Member Service in a Positive Way
Revolving Chair |
Done 1/05
Objective: Determine Long-Term Water Supply Options
Convene Water Summit to discuss topic of interagency cooperation on regional solutions in April or May 2005 |
Board Revised Target. At
6/16/05 meeting Board decided to conduct a Town Hall meeting on 8/25/05.
· Establish and make clear the District project goal
Objective: Determine Role for MPWMD In Water Supply Issue
Objective: Clarify District’s Water Supply Project Status
Done 11/18/04 |
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Determine the scope, timing and expense related to an EIR for the State Water Board – bring to Board in October 2004 |
Done |
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Set up and conduct field trip by November 2004 |
Note: The
Planning and Engineering Division is responsible for taking the lead on these