6. |
Date: |
August 15, 2005 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A.
Berger, |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
By: |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Review: Yes |
Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance:
N/A |
SUMMARY: Mr. Steve Mirabito is appealing a decision of the General Manager denying a finding of “special circumstances” as allowed by District Rule 24-G for a 62,900 square-feet self-storage facility in Carmel Valley (Storage Pro Self Storage Facility). Mr. Mirabito’s appeal application is shown at Exhibit 6-A. The District’s April 8, 2005 denial of special circumstances is shown at Exhibit 6-B.
Mr. Mirabito contends that the proposed self-storage facility should be given special circumstances because “the District’s demand figure for storage facilities is outdated and based on high flow fixtures and non-drought tolerant landscaping.” Mr. Mirabito has submitted information related to other self-storage facilities for the District’s consideration. The information submitted to date (attached to the application shown at Exhibit 6-A) does not provide sufficient historical use or other hard documentation to substantiate the use of an alternative water demand factor.
Rule 24-G allows the General Manager to make an adjustment to the connection charge
(and corresponding water demand calculation) “based upon projected use figures, which are clearly more accurate and
reliable (based upon historical use or other hard documentation) than the
regional average methodology used to substantiate the fixture unit or projected
water use category methods. Calculation
of any charge shall be made by use of regional averages should any reasonable
question arise with respect to the projected use figures for a particular expansion/extension
permit or amended permit.” Determinations of the General Manager pursuant to
this subdivision may be appealed to the Board.
The Mirabito self-storage project was preliminarily reviewed by District staff in 1999, and again in March 2000, at the request of Monterey County Planning and Building Inspection Department. In 2000, staff responded to an Initial Study and verified the water use factors that would be used to determine the credit and demand associated with the proposed change in use from a potter’s studio and single-family dwelling to a self-storage facility and caretaker’s unit. In correspondence to Monterey County Supervising Planner, Jeff Main, dated March 3, 2000, (Exhibit 6-C), District staff emphasized the (current) water use factors that would be applied to the self-storage facility project when it was reviewed by the District. The letter refers to two alterative water demand estimates proposed by Mr. Roger Fry of Camp, Dresser & McKee. One proposal was dated October 24, 1999, and was presented on CDM letterhead, and the second was dated March 1, 2000, and was not on CDM letterhead. At that time, District staff stated: “Please note that Mr. Fry’s analysis did not utilize the District’s procedures for calculating existing water demand and projecting future water demand on the property.” The District’s response continues with a discussion on the District’s method for calculating commercial water demand for the proposed self-storage facility project.
recently, on September 23, 2005, District staff commented on the Monterey
County Planning and Building Inspection Department proposed Vesting Tentative
Map (PLN 020280) for the Mirabito project.
The project is essentially the same project that was preliminary
reviewed in 1999 and 2000. Based on the
description of the project, District staff notified the County that the
proposed project would fall entirely under the District’s standard water factor
for self-storage.
RECOMMENDATION: The applicant has not provided projected use figures which are clearly more accurate and reliable (based upon historical use or other hard documentation) than the regional average methodology used to substantiate the fixture unit or projected use category methods. Therefore, staff recommends the Board deny this appeal and adopt the Findings of Denial shown as Exhibit 6-D. District Rule 24-G states that the “calculation of any charge shall be made by use of regional averages should any reasonable question arise with respect to the projected use figures for a particular expansion/extension permit or amended permit.” As there is a factor for self-storage facilities, and the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence that his project significantly differs from the “self-storage” category, the District’s self-storage factor should be applied to this application. The District’s self-storage factor should be applied to this application per Rule 24. Allowing a water permit to be issued at a lower quantity than the District’s factor for self-storage facilities without hard documentation supporting a modification would be contrary to District Rule 23.
On August 5, 2005, the applicant’s attorney, Derinda Messenger, informed staff that additional information related to other self-storage facilities may be forthcoming. District staff informed Ms. Messenger that new information submitted after August 5, 2005 will not be reviewed prior to the public hearing. Staff recommends the Board should not consider any new information insofar as this is an appeal, and if such new data is deemed relevant, the Board at most should consider referring the matter back to staff.
6-A Appeal Request
6-C March 3, 2000 Letter to Supervising Planner, Jeff Main
6-D Findings of Denial