Exhibit 4-C
List of References and
Resources for 2004-2005 Matrix Development
Ø Cal-Am/MCWRA presentation materials for MPWMD 7/29/04 workshop
Ø Minutes of July 29, 2004 MPWMD workshop prepared by MPWMD
Ø Aug 24, 2004 CWP handouts, town hall meeting at City of Seaside
Ø Matrix info provided by MCWRA (8/24/04)
Ø Cost details provided by Cal-Am 08/25/04
Ø Draft Preliminary Project Description, Coastal Water Project, Aug 2004, prepared by RBF Consulting, pp 4-3 and 4-5
Ø Application by Cal-Am to CPUC to Construct and Operate Coastal Water Project, submitted September 20, 2004; as amended July 14, 2005 (CPCN)
Ø Monterey County Board of Supervisors, Consent Agenda Item #45, August 17, 2004 (MCWRA and Cal-Am interim agreement)
Ø Cal-Am letter advertisement in September 20, 2004 Monterey County Herald
Ø Public outreach schedule submitted by RBF Consulting
Ø Regulatory agency worksheets prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates, Sept 2004
Ø Personal communications (meetings, phone and e-mail) between Cal-Am, MCWRA and RBF Consulting representatives and MPWMD staff, Summer 2004
Ø March 21, 2005 presentation to MPWMD Board.
Ø May 12, 2005 letter from California Coastal Commission to RBF re pilot project permit.
Ø June 19, 2005 Herald article on Monterey County desalination ordinance
Ø Matrix information provided by RBF, July-August 2005
Ø Project cost summaries and detailed tables provided by RBF, August 2005
Ø Application by Cal-Am to CPUC for CPCN to Construct and Operate Coastal Water Project, amended July 14, 2005
Ø Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) and technical appendices submitted to CPUC, July 14, 2005
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø Personal communications (meetings, phone and e-mail) between RBF Consulting and MPWMD staff, July-August 2005
Ø Pajaro/Sunny Mesa CSD presentation materials for MPWMD 7/29/04 workshop
Ø Minutes of July 29, 2004 MPWMD workshop prepared by MPWMD
Ø North Monterey County Desalination Project, MPWMD Decision Matrix, Sept 10, 2004, prepared by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Ø Regulatory agency worksheets prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates, Sept 2004
Ø Personal communications (meetings, phone and e-mail) between Pajaro/Sunny Mesa CSD and Kennedy/Jenks representatives and MPWMD staff, Summer 2004.
Ø March 21, 2005 presentation to MPWMD Board.
Ø Matrix information provided by Marc Del Piero and Tom Yeager (K/J), August 2005
Ø P/SM lease agreement, management agreement, North County overdraft data, and letter from Duke Energy provided July 2005
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø Personal communications (phone and e-mail) between P/SM representatives and MPWMD staff, July-August 2005
Ø Board Review Draft EIR, MPWMD Water Supply Project, December 2003, prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates
Ø Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project, Phase 2 Technical Memorandum, Project Facilities Alternatives for the Sand City Desalination Project, June 23, 2004, prepared by Camp Dresser & McKee, p 6-2
Ø Regulatory agency worksheets prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates, Sept 2004
Ø MPWMD staff and consultant estimates, 2004
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø MPWMD staff review, 2005.
Ø Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Alternatives, Final Phase 1 Technical Memorandum, March 2003, prepared by Camp Dresser & McKee, p 3-29
Ø Draft Preliminary Project Description, Coastal Water Project, Aug 2004, prepared by RBF Consulting, pp 4-3 and 4-5
Ø Board Review Draft EIR, MPWMD Water Supply Project, December 2003, prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates
Ø Regulatory agency worksheets prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates, Sept 2004
Ø MPWMD staff and consultant estimates, 2004
Ø March 21, 2005 presentation to MPWMD Board
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø Technical memoranda and costs estimates by MPWMD staff and consultants, 2005
Ø EIR Notice of Preparation, Scoping Report, computer modeling results and preliminary DEIR chapter text, 2005.
Ø MRWPCA presentation materials for MPWMD 7/19/04 regular Board meeting
Ø Regional Urban Recycled Water Distribution Project, July 2003, prepared for MCWD and MRWPCA, RBF Consulting, pp 6-3 and 6-9;
Ø Matrix responses submitted by Bob Jaques, MRWPCA Chief Engineer, September 14, 2004
Ø Regulatory agency worksheets prepared by Jones & Stokes Associates, Sept 2004
Ø Personal communications (meetings, phone and e-mail) between MRWPCA representatives and MPWMD staff.
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø Matrix responses submitted by Mike Armstrong, MCWD General Manager, August 2005
Ø Personal communications (meetings, phone and e-mail) between MCWD and MPWMD staff.
Ø March 21, 2005 presentation to MPWMD Board
Ø Project description excerpt from Proposition 50 Grant Application, June 21, 2005
Ø Materials and presentation for MPWMD Town Hall Meeting, August 25, 2005
Ø Matrix responses submitted by Bob Jaques, MRWPCA Chief Engineer, August 2005