


Meeting Date:

September 8, 2005





David A. Berger,




General Manager



Prepared By:





SUMMARY:  The purpose of this item is for the Board to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Chair, officers and Board committees.  The Board previously discussed this issue at the June 16, 2005 Special Meeting/Board Workshop.   At that time, the Directors agreed that one role of the Chair and Vice Chair was to review proposed agenda items and assign them to a committee or place them on the Board meeting agenda for consideration.  The Directors also expressed an interest in the future development of a charge for each District committee; however, the Board recognized that existing priorities should take precedence over that task.  Minutes of the June 16, 2005 action on this item are attached as Exhibit 7-A.   The Board Chair and Vice Chair agreed that further discussion was needed on this item and included it on the Strategic Planning Workshop agenda.


BACKGROUND:  Chairman Foy requested that this item be placed on the May 3, 2005 special meeting agenda, to follow the 2005-06 budget workshop.  At the April 26, 2005 Chair/Vice Chair meeting, Vice Chair Markey and Director Knight (who was filling in for Chair Foy) reviewed this matter, and recommended that at the May 3 meeting the Board identify the policy and process issues that need to be addressed related to the authority of the Chair, officers and Board committees.  They also suggested that the Board schedule a subsequent workshop for purposes of discussing and resolving these policy and process issues.  Finally, Directors Markey and Knight requested that the Board’s current Meeting Rules (Exhibit 7-B) and relevant portion of the District’s 1977 enabling state statute (Exhibit 7-C) be attached to this report for informational purposes.  Due to the lack of time available for discussion of this item at that special meeting, this workshop item was added to this June 16 special meeting for discussion and direction. 


In a related matter, at the May 3, 2005 meeting of the Administrative Committee (AdCom), Directors Lehman, Markey and alternate member Pendergrass discussed the need to clarify the scope of the Committee’s charge.  Exhibit 7-D is a copy of the staff report they reviewed at that meeting.  At that meeting AdCom recommended that all contracts and agreements requiring Board approval be referred to AdCom for review, and that the full Board should include this topic in its May 3 Board workshop discussion.               



7-A      Excerpt from Minutes of June 16, 2005 Special Meeting/Board Workshop

7-B      MPWMD Board Meeting Rules (January 2004)

7-C      MPWMD Law, Chapter 118, Part 3 Internal Organization

7-D      May 3, 2005 Staff Report re: AdCom Scope of Responsibility