2004/2005 Strategic Plan
(1) Will
strive to serve as a catalyst in collaboration with public and private entities
for environmentally responsible solutions that result in a reliable and legal
water supply; and
(2) Shall
be a fiscally responsible, professionally and publicly respected leader in
managing water resources.
The mission of the MPWMD is to
manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community
and the environment.
Objective: To Improve the Understanding of and the Image
of the MPWMD in the Community
Help the community understand the complexity of
the District’s Mission
- Need to reach out with
positive message to media by June 2005
- Need to further explain water
decision process on-going
- Highlight conservation
success on-going
- Press outreach – Send out
new vision/mission statements in press release by November 2004
- Simplify materials – overhaul web site, printed
materials and FAQs by June 2005
End current perceived inconsistent communication
with Cities
- Reports – add standing item
on Board member reports by November 2004
- Have PAC/TAC meet with Board jointly as appropriate
- Develop a Best Practices Model for individual
jurisdictions regarding permitting issues and their timing
- Implement Best Practices in all cities by December
Update and publicly disseminate Policies and
Procedures Manual
- Complete an update to the
Policies and Procedures Manual by December 2004
- Establish an on-going
process for updates
- Ensure
that any changes are widely disseminated in a timely manner beginning in
January 2005
Seek professional help as necessary and
- Professional community
outreach services may be needed to assist the District in
communicating with its constituents and other jurisdictions in the
District’s sphere of influence
- Generate short-term
requirements and make that a budget item in the mid year budget review
- Generate
RFP for professional services by March 2005 and include in Fiscal Year
2005/2006 budget
Objective: Increase Community Partnerships
Find funding for community conservation programs
- Define
by March 2005 budget update
Define community connections
- Define
and celebrate connections by June 2005
Participate in community events/service
- Increase
participation by June 2005
- General Manager is the spokesperson for the District
- Introduce the General
Manager throughout the region and speak on Mission and Vision; begin in
November 2004 through Speaker’s Bureau activities
- Define and promote the District’s
Sphere of Influence by December 2004
Objective: Continue to Improve Board-member to
Board-member Communication
- Review and provide
recommendations for improvement on communication
- Provide report from
County and report from City representatives on each agenda as a standing
item by November 2004 MPWMD agenda
Conduct a strategic planning workshop
annually/twice a year
Objective: Make Annual Budget More User Friendly for
Board and Public
Change budget format (include information by division,
by program, and by linking revenues and expenses)
- Restructure by March 2005
- Cal-Am rate increases –
make new assumption after Water Summit (early 2005)
- Include water supply
planning activities in 2005 budget
- Show mandated activities
(include staff and other costs)
- Include
staffing levels for water distribution system permits
Objective: Determine Whether Permit Fees and User Fees
Should be Increased
Determine fiscal needs and potential shortfalls
- Update Board on existing
Needs Report status by December 2004
- Fully describe current
allocation of permit fees and user fees by December 2004
- Final update with mid-year
budget review by December 2004
- Take
action regarding fee increase by TBD (after long term water supply plan
is determined)
Objective: Establish Appropriate Staffing Levels
Review staffing levels and current work
- Analyze and make final
determination on whether more staff is required to achieve the District’s
goals and objectives by March 2005
- Full explanation and
review through budget process by March 2005
Objective: Clarify ASR Program
Determine where the ASR Program is going, and
determine whether to expand MPWMD partnership with Cal-Am on Seaside Basin ASR
- Analyze the financial
elements of potential expansion by December 2004
- Review and determine
water rights issues on-going
- Conduct
a field trip for Board and media before Board action as appropriate
Objective: Streamline Water Distribution System Permits
Review Water Distribution System Permits
- MPWMD should collaborate
with Monterey County Water Resources Agency (Curtis Weeks is General
Manager of agency) as well as with Monterey County Health Department on
processing analysis of water distribution system applications
- Follow-up with Technical
Advisory Committee by November 20, 2004
- Research whether changes
to the permits process would result in the MPWMD taking on something
Monterey County should properly be doing.
Provide update with mid-year review by December 2004
- Ordinance No. 118 to be considered at November 2004
meeting, and Ordinance No. YY at the January 2005 meeting
Objective: Develop Seaside Basin Groundwater Management
Develop Seaside Plan
- Commenced Plan processing
in October 2004, this is the beginning of a two-year process
- Conduct initial meeting of the Advisory Committee
in October 2004
Objective: Determine Agency Role in Environmental
Audit Existing Practices
- Conduct full review of
requirements under the Mitigation Program by January 2005
- Assess staffing implication of review results by
March 2005 and include in Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget
Objective: Establish Consistency and Simplicity in
Policies and Procedures
Develop and streamline internal Agency Policies
and Procedures
o Determine
which procedures and policies can reasonably be terminated by January 2005
o Provide
audit of weekly and monthly reports and include in Board/staff audit by
December 2004
o Complete
process by March 2005 and include in Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget
Objective: Better Communication with Local Jurisdictions
and the Public Regarding MPWMD Policies
- Provide ordinance
explanations with each Board update made at local Council meetings and
County Board of Supervisor’s meetings
o Educate
other jurisdictions and the public on the updated Policies and Procedures
o Send
General Manager/Board member to reinforce policy changes with local
jurisdictions (on-going, as needed)
o Put
together outlines and process hand-outs and posters, utilizing outside help and
resources as appropriate by June 2005
o Review
and update Website as required to support education effort by June 2005
Update and publicly disseminate Policies and
Procedures Manual
- Complete an update to the
Policies and Procedures Manual by December 2004
- Establish an on-going
process for updates
- Ensure
that any changes are widely disseminated in a timely manner beginning in
January 2005
Objective: Determine Agency Role in Conservation
- Audit Conservation
Practices of Agency
- Determine whether
additional staff resources are required to implement new or current
commitments – only covering the basics
- Complete
process by March 2005 and include in Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget
Objective: To Have a More Community Outreach Focus
- Celebrate
what is going right by June 2005
- Do timely media outreach –
explain clearly why certain actions cannot be done given constraints by
June 2005
- Proactively educate the
public concerning potential Carmel River erosion issues by June 2005
- Obtain stream alteration
agreement from California Department of Fish and Game by October 15, 2004
- Work with Supervisor Potter to obtain the
commitment of the California Department of Fish and Game to meet its
obligations immediately
Objective: Improve Efficiency of Water Distribution
System Permits
- Re-write water distribution
system permit regulations
- Complete by January 2005,
the scheduled month for first reading of Ordinance YY
Objective: Increase Efficiency of Staff Time Related to
Administrative Documents
- Audit Reports, Board Packet and Documents
- Bring to Board a report on the resources used to
create various documents by December 2004
- Ask Board to clarify which reports are useful and
need to continue by December 2004
Objective: Recognize Board Member Service in a Positive
- Provide
timely recognition of their services at end of each term – not when they
leave the Board
Objective: Determine Long-Term Water Supply Options
- Finalize a single accurate and agreed set of water
supply numbers
- Further
research/establish numbers by January 2005
Convene Water Summit to discuss topic of
interagency cooperation on regional solutions
- Arrange
for and sponsor Water Summit by January/February 2005
Establish and make clear the District project
- Make clear that the MPWMD
is at a different crossroad in the pursuit of augmenting water supply
- Work for broad regional
- Show how such a regional program could distribute
the cost and describe the potential financial burden to MPWMD
constituents by March 2005
Objective: Determine Role for
MPWMD In Water Supply Issue
- Finalize the role of the District
- Commence review
immediately with final determination after County action of November 2004
and the Water Summit in January/February 2005
- Determine whether there is
or should be a proprietary role for District by March 2005
- Determine the extent to
which the role is regulatory and, under that role, determine how the
process is controlled by March 2005
- Determine whether a Joint
Powers Authority structure is appropriate, utilizing peer/consultant
review as necessary and appropriate by March 2005
- Evaluate the fiscal
impacts of the different options and correlate them to Board fiscal
capacities by June 2005
- Develop
public input opportunities, particularly related to determination of how
fiscal constraints can be alleviated through possible fee increases by
June 2005
Objective: Clarify District’s Water Supply Project Status
- Determine the timing of the re-commencement of
currently suspended CEQA EIR (TBD)
- Finalize ASR timing beyond the temporary permit
- Determine the scope,
timing and expense related to an EIR for the State Water Board – bring to
Board in October 2004
- Set
up and conduct field trip by November 2004
- Explore feasibility of including reclamation water as
supplementary to the overall regional solution(s) under whatever potable
water project proves feasible
Note: The
Planning and Engineering Division is responsible for taking the lead on these