Committee of the
Peninsula Water Management District
meeting was called to order at 8:35 AM in the District Conference Room.
Committee members present: Alvin Edwards
Judi Lehman
Kristi Markey
Staff members present: Dave A. Berger
Rick Dickhaut
Arlene Tavani
Sara Reyes
Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not
listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications. Public comment on any other matter listed on
the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the
No public comment was received.
Items on Board Agenda for September 2005
1. Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for Purchase of Digital Visual Presenter
Arlene Tavani, Administrative Assistant to the General Manager, gave a brief report on this item. After discussion, the committee voted 3 to 0 to approve.
Consider Approval of Fourth Quarter 2004-05
Investment Report
Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer/Administrative Services Manager, reported on this item. The committee voted 3 to 0 to approve.
Semi-Annual Report on the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater
Reclamation Project
Rick Dickhaut reported on this item. After some discussion, Director Edwards requested General Manager Berger to request participation from CAWD and Pebble Beach Company at a future Board meeting to provide an oral status report on the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Expansion Project. The committee voted 3 to 0 to approve.
Other Business
Review Draft September 19, 2005 Board Meeting Agenda
General Manager Berger reviewed the draft agenda with the committee. The committee discussed item 11 – Review Status of Proposed Agreement with California American Water Regarding Management and Operation of Seaside Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Facilities and suggested that this item be postponed to a future Board meeting due to pending matters effecting California American Water. After further discussion, Director Markey suggested that this item be discussed further between the Board Chair and Vice Chair at their next scheduled meeting. The committee agreed unanimously that this item not be on the September 19, 2005 Board meeting agenda.
Director’s Comments/Other
Director Edwards asked for a status report with regards to the MPWMD Board conference room upgrade. He stated he would like to see the conference room ready for the January 2006 Board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM.