Technical Advisory
Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:40 AM.
Committee Members Present:
Sean Conroy City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Todd Bennett City of Monterey
Doug Rick City of Pacific Grove
Steve Matarazzo City of Sand City
Diana Ingersoll City of Seaside
Al Mulholland County of Monterey
Committee Members Absent:
Thomas Greer Monterey Peninsula Airport District
Ron Langford City of Del Rey Oaks
District Counsel Present: David C. Laredo
Staff Members Present: David A. Berger, General Manager
Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
Comments from the Public: No comment.
1. Adopt Minutes of April 5, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
On a motion by Mr. Matarazzo and second by Mr. Ricks, the minutes were unanimously approved.
2. Discuss Common Methodology for Long-Term Water Needs
Ms. Pintar reviewed the long-term water needs
estimates with the committee. Chair
Ingersoll asked if all jurisdictions approved of the commercial water use
estimates: Carmel, yes; Pacific Grove,
yes; Sand City, residential is too low but commercial is okay; Monterey, yes;
County of Monterey, yes; Seaside, yes.
Ms. Ingersoll noted that the committee members were comfortable with the
commercial water use estimates. Ms.
Pintar stated that she would check with the City of Del Rey Oaks to clear up
some questions she had about the numbers they submitted.
A brief discussion ensued regarding residential
water needs estimates. Ms. Ingersoll noted that the original estimates
submitted by the City of Seaside included a higher contingency number than the
20 percent added by District staff. She
explained that the difference is due to the City of Seaside’s assumption that
with a new water source, the community would no longer be subjected to strict
water conservation rules and should be able to add bathrooms and plant lawns. Ms. Ingersoll stated that the City of
Seaside has no disagreement with the draft water needs estimates proposed by
the District. Mr. Berger reminded the committee of his previous request that
the jurisdictions provide the District with the near term housing element
numbers (5 to 7 years) from their general plans, as it would be helpful to
document both the near-term and long-term residential water needs. These numbers could be used to plan for a
water supply project that might be constructed in phases.
Public Comment: (1) Judi Lehman asked how the factors are
calculated if there is a mixed use building with residential on one floor and
commercial on another floor. Ms. Pintar
explained that residential factors were applied to residential space and
commercial factors were applied to commercial space. Ms. Lehman asked why the estimates submitted by the City of
Pacific Grove in 1999 were lower than the most recent estimates. Mr. Ricks explained that the recent
estimates include “second units” on lots that were previously planned for one
unit only. Ms. Lehman asked why the
long-term timeline varies from 20 to 25 years.
Ms. Ingersoll explained that the terms of jurisdictions’ general plans
vary from 20 to 25 years. Ms. Lehman
asked how many jurisdictions collect development fees. Ms. Ingersoll stated that the City of
Seaside does not have development fees.
Mr. Mulholland stated that Monterey County collects a transportation
development fee, and that the proposed general plan would include development
fees for other needs including water projects.
Ms. Pintar stated that she would revise the water
needs estimates based on comments she received and send them to the TAC
representatives for review. She
requested that all comments be submitted by June 17, 2005. The committee agreed that a joint meeting
of the TAC and the Policy Advisory Committee should be conducted to review the
final long-term water needs estimates before they are submitted to the MPWMD
Board for consideration. The proposed
meeting dates were June 26 and August 2 at 9:30 AM. District staff would contact the committee members to determine
the best meeting date.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.