Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
The meeting was called to order at 3:08 PM in the District conference room.
Committee Members present: Larry Foy, Chair
Michelle Knight
Judi Lehman
Committee Members absent: None
Staff present: David A. Berger, General Manager
Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
District Counsel present: David C. Laredo
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
1. Receive Minutes of August 2, 2005 Committee Meeting
On a motion by Director Knight, the minutes were unanimously received on a vote of 3 – 0.
2. Discuss and Provide Feedback on Amendments to District Rules 11, 20, 21 and 23 Related to Policies and Procedures in the Water Demand Division
The committee reviewed proposed changes to Rules 11, 20, 21 and 23 and directed that modifications be made. Shown below is a list of changes suggested by the committee. Page numbers refer to the committee packet page numbers.
1. Rule 11, definition of “Industrial”, page 9 – Staff was directed to check the MPWMD Rules and Regulations for use of the word “Industrial.” If the word is used, the definition is fine and it should be used consistently throughout the document. If it is not used, it could be deleted from the definitions.
2. Rule 11, definition of Water Permit, page 10 – District Counsel Laredo was directed to amend the language to clarify that a water permit is issued by the District on a specific form. It may also be advisable to list a definition for each type of permit issued by the District.
3. Rule 11, definition of Permit, page 56 – It was suggested that the words “approved by the staff or Board” could be deleted, and that the words “request, or appeal” could also be deleted and replaced with the words “submitted under these rules.” The committee preferred to defer these changes to a later date after other staff members have reviewed the suggested wording.
4. The title of Rule 20.A (page 11) should be amended to read, “Permit to Create/Establish or Modify a Water Distribution System.”
5. Title of Rule 20.B (page 12) should be modified to read “Permits to Connect to or Modify a Water Use Connection to a Water Distribution System.”
6. Rule 20.B (page 12) delete the word “use” from the term “water use connection.” The term “water connection” should be used because that term is defined in Rule 11.
7. District staff was directed to determine if the title of Rule 21.A, (page 13) could be modified to read “Application for Permit to Create/Establish or Modify a Water Distribution System.” If so, Rule 21.C, Application for Amendment to A Permit (page 15) could be incorporated into Rule 20.A.
8. The terms “Water Permit” and “Non-Residential” should be capitalized throughout the document because they are defined terms in Rule 11.
9. Rule 23.A, (page 2 of handout provided at meeting) – Rule 23.A.1.d should be re-numbered as Rule 23.A.1.a.
The committee discussed the possibility of considering additional rule changes in three phases: Phase 1 could be Rules 20 through 22; Phase 2 could be Rules 23 and 24; and Phase 3 could be Rules 25 through 28. The committee set the next meeting for Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 3 PM in the District conference room. At that time, they could review the suggested modifications to Rules 11, 20 and 21, and also revisions proposed by District staff to Rules 25 through 28.
No other items were discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM.