



1.                   Primary Function


The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) provides recommendations to the District Board of Directors on policy matters related to water use and consumption within the Monterey Peninsula Water Management.  The CAC may also make recommendations to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on policies related to these subjects under consideration by those committees, at the request of the Board of Directors. 


2.                   Process


The CAC meets as needed to provide a forum for policy-related deliberation and discussion and to provide recommendations to the District Board of Directors on issues related to water demand management and water conservation.  The CAC meets the definition of a “legislative body” as defined by the Brown Act; therefore, all meetings shall be noticed and open to the public in compliance with the Brown Act.


3.                   Composition and Structure


a)         The CAC is comprised of five (5) representatives of environmental and other public interest groups from within the boundaries of the MPWMD.


b)                  Each Member of the District Board of Directors shall appoint one representative to this advisory committee, who shall serve a two-year term expiring on March 31, or the date the appointing Director vacates office, whichever first occurs.  


c)                  A quorum of three (3) CAC members shall be required for an official meeting to be conducted. Action may be taken by majority vote of those CAC members present. 


d)                  The CAC will elect members to serve as committee Chair and Vice Chair to serve in the Chair’s absence. 


e)                   The General Manager or other designated staff member(s) of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District shall provide support as appropriate. 


4.                   Responsibilities of the Committee


a)         To meet as required on the call of the committee chair or a majority of committee members.


b)         To provide timely advice to the MPWMD staff and recommendations to the District Board of Directors, PAC and TAC on matters related to water demand management and conservation.


c)         To undertake other tasks as designated by the Board Chairperson.

