Exhibit 24-C





August 4, 2005, 10:00 A.M.  Mid-Carmel Valley Fire Station Community Room




MEMBERS PRESENT:           John Dalessio, Susan Rogers, Tom House, Richard H. Rosenthal, and Larry Levine

MEMBERS ABSENT: Clive Sanders (ill) and Marjorie Ingram Viales (previous commitment)

PUBLIC PRESENT:                Adriana Frederick (News Reporter) [Note: Ms. Frederick was present for approximately the first five minutes of the meeting and then left.]

STAFF PRESENT:                  Thomas Christensen and Larry Hampson


2.                  PUBLIC COMMENT – Larry Hampson provided copies of a letter dated August 4, 2005 to the Committee from David Dilworth (copy attached to these minutes).


3.                  ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR  – Tom House nominated Larry Levine for Chair, and Mr. Levine declined.  Mr. House then nominated John Dalessio for Chair.  Susan Rogers seconded.  Mr. Dalessio was unanimously approved as Chair for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (ending June 30, 2006). 


Mr. Dalessio nominated Mr. Levine for Vice-Chair.  Mr. House seconded.   Mr. Levine was unanimously approved as Vice-Chair for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2005-2006.


4.                  CONSENT CALENDAR –

a.                  Approve Minutes from the April 28, 2005 Regular Meeting and May 25, 2005 Special Meeting of the Carmel River Advisory Committee Under Item 4, April 28, 2005 meeting, it was suggested that information provided in an August 3, 2005 e-mail from David Dilworth to Larry Hampson (copy attached to these minutes) clarifying Mr. Dilworth’s characterization of watershed councils during the April 28, 2005 meeting be footnoted in the minutes.  Mr. House made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Ms. Rogers seconded.  The motion passed by a 3 to 2 vote with Mr. House, Ms. Rogers, and Mr. Rosenthal voting yea and Messrs. Levine and Dalessio voting nay.


Mr. House made a motion to approve the May 25, 2005 minutes.  Mr. Rosenthal seconded.  Approval of the May 25, 2005 minutes was unanimous.


5.                  CONSIDER PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO DAVID DILWORTH FOR SERVICE ON THE CARMEL RIVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE  The Committee approved a resolution of appreciation by consensus.  Mr. Rosenthal stated that he did not want a certificate of appreciation at the end of his service on the Committee.


6.                  UPDATE ON CARMEL RIVER WATERSHED CONSERVANCY ACTIVITIESMr. Sanders was not present to update the Committee.


7.                  DISCUSS CRITERIA AND PROCESS FOR PLACING ITEMS ON CARMEL RIVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDAS – Mr. Dalessio stated that he has not served on any committee that does not allow items to be placed on an agenda between meetings.  It was suggested that items to be agendized between meetings be forwarded to the Chair and/or Vice Chair for placement on an agenda.  Mr. Dalessio asked what happens if the request to place an item on an agenda is denied.  Mr. Rosenthal made a motion that the Chair, or the Vice-Chair in the absence or non-availability of the Chair, shall have the discretion to place an item on the agenda, or to deny placement.  Second by Mr. Levine.  Approval was unanimous.



Mr. Dalessio noted that the Committee could be negatively affected by taking a position on Measure W; suggested that the Committee conduct a public debate on the measure; and recommended providing a fact statement to the MPWMD Board of Directors. 


Ms. Rogers suggested a special Committee meeting to hear representatives from both sides present arguments on the ballot measure.


Mr. Rosenthal stated that the Committee should present facts to the public about the measure and that a cost/benefit analysis would answer the underlying question of a public takeover.  A feasibility study would also address the question of the process of a public acquisition.


The Committee summarized the options as:

1)  A public meeting that would be conducted by a moderator and would include representatives from both sides, a debate, and a question and answer period;

2)  A fact statement by the Committee to the Board of Directors;

3)  A position statement by the Committee;

4)  A fact statement to the public from the Committee


By consensus, the Committee agreed not to take a position on the ballot measure.  Ms. Rogers made a motion to hold a special meeting of the Committee to hear the pros and cons on the ballot measure.  Seconded by Mr. House.  The motion passed by a 4-1 vote with Mr. Rosenthal voting nay and stating that he was in favor of a larger public forum.  The meeting was tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2005 from 10 a.m. to noon.  John Dalessio volunteered to secure speakers for the meeting and confer with the Vice-Chair on his selection.


[Note: the meeting was subsequently re-scheduled to Wednesday, September 21, 2005.  Mr. Dalessio then cancelled the meeting when it was apparent that not all the Committee members could attend on that date.]


9.                  STAFF REPORTS – Mr. Hampson reported on completing the MPWMD-sponsored Proposition 50 Implementation Grant application.  Thomas Christensen described four sites along the river proposed for vegetation management.


10.              ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS – suggested items included:


- review the process for prioritization and funding of restoration projects

- report on presentation to CSA 50 representatives on potential impacts to flood elevations from the Rancho Cañada development

- invite NOAA Fisheries representatives to a committee meeting

- presentation on potential developments in Carmel Valley



11.              ADJOURNMENT – the meeting was adjourned at 12:12 p.m.














From: "David" <David05@1hope.org>

To: "Larry Hampson" <Larry@mpwmd.dst.ca.us>

Subject: WaterShed Council

Date: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 3:18 PM


David Dilworth here,


Here's the quote Larry --


Watershed Council (Courtesy of Jim Britell)


"A novel political construct which allows a local

community to replace the enforcement of Federal

Environmental Protection laws with children's innocuous

high school science experiments."


"Sometimes used to expedite placing law enforcement

authorities and resources into the hands of

environmental criminals. Also used to camouflage public

agencies' and officials' lobbying with public funds in

contravention of statutes forbidding such practices. "






My letter to the Committee will follow

in a while.