23. |
Date: |
February 23, 2006 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A.
Berger, |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
By: |
Chaney / |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
Dave Dettman |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance:
N/A |
CONDITIONS: During January 2006,
Carmel River streamflow conditions were excellent for juvenile steelhead
rearing, and adult steelhead upstream migration with streamflow to the ocean.
During January 2006, the mean daily streamflow recorded at the District’s Carmel River Sleepy Hollow Weir gaging station averaged 210 cubic feet per second (cfs), and ranged from 79 to 1,170 cfs.
There were 4.11 inches of measurable rainfall in January as recorded by Cal-Am at San Clemente Dam (SCD), near the long-term January average of 4.37 inches at this site. Rainfall total for water year 2006 is 12.38 inches, 111% of the long-term average of 11.18 inches.
CARMEL RIVER LAGOON: The Carmel River Lagoon was
breached in late December 2005 and remained open until mid-January when lower
river flow was unable to keep the sandbar open.
The mouth opened and closed a number of times towards the end of the
month, as shown in the chart below.
WSE at the Carmel
River Lagoon, January 2006
ADULT STEELHEAD COUNTS AT SAN CLEMENTE DAM: The District’s automatic adult fish counter at the San Clemente Dam Ladder was installed in early December 2005. As of January 31, 2006, 58 counts had been recorded, including four river fish that were counted
before the lagoon was breached on
December 27, 2005. An additional 25 fish
were recorded the first five days of February.
A digital surveillance camera was installed in January that is being
used to calibrate the counter, and assess the condition, size, and sex of the
*Counter mal-function 01/13 thru 01/20, corrected data
will be updated as soon as video surveillance is examined.
SLEEPY HOLLOW STEELHEAD REARING FACILITY (Facility): On July 14, 2005, staff began accepting rescued steelhead from the lower Carmel River. Approximately 24,450 rescued fish were brought to the Facility through mid-September.
District Staff began releasing fish from the Facility back into the Carmel River on Friday, January 6, 2006. The fish release was much later this year than in the past for several reasons: dry fall/early winter conditions; NOAA Fisheries and CDFG requests to hold fish longer; and then a large early-year storm that prevented staff from accessing the Facility and creating turbid water in the rearing channel.
As of January 31, 2006, approximately 11,500 fish have been released, including smolts, larger juveniles, and smaller young-of-the-year fish. Most of the fish were in excellent condition and many were smolting. An estimated 2,000 fish remain in the rearing channel. Staff expects to complete the releases and demobilization of the Facility by February 21, 2006.