Carmel Valley Aquifer Sample Collection Date:  November 16 and November 17, 2005
Seaside Basin Sample Collection Date: November 2 and November 3, 2005
Units are milligrams per liter unless otherwise noted.
Water Quality Constituent   Specific Conductance (micromhos/cm) Total Alkalinity   (as CACO3) pH Chloride Sulfate Ammonia Nitrogen (as NH3) Nitrate Nitrogen (as NO3) Total Organic Carbon Calcium Sodium Magnesium Potassium Iron Manganese Orthophosphate Boron
Drinking Water Standard (1)   900 1600 2200 (2) NA NA 250 500 600 (2) 250 500 600 (2) NA 45 NA NA NA NA NA 0.3 0.05 NA NA
Sampling Location River Mile                            
Carmel Valley Aquifer
16S/1W-14Jh (shal) 0.07 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-14Jf (inter) 0.07 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-14Jg (deep) 0.07 4650 225 7.0 1513 225 1.16  <1 2.2 117 225 126 25.0 0.418 0.377 0.03 0.52
16S/1W-13Mc (shal) 0.31 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-13Mb (inter) 0.31 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-13Md (deep) 0.31 900 250 7.2 107 76 0.99  <1 4.4 77 76 26 4.3 0.137 0.381 0.37 0.44
16S/1W-13Lb (shal) 0.65 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-13La (inter) 0.65 no longer in annual sampling network
16S/1W-13Lc (deep) 0.65 910 194 7.1 100 134 0.78  <1 3.6 67 117 16 3.0 1.080 0.564 0.55 0.62
16S/1E-17J4 3.85 495 112 6.8 32 82 <0.05  <1 2.2 45 27 16 3.3  <0.05 <0.0005  <0.03 0.38
16S/1E-17R2 3.86 1120 206 6.7 105 229 0.20  <1 4.3 122 82 28 3.8 5.380 0.232 0.19 0.45
16S/1E-23E4 6.53 1240 334 7.0 114 174 0.19  <1 3.4 125 106 31 3.0 3.550 0.765  <0.03 0.42
16S/1E-23La 6.72 780 142 7.0 66 112 0.09  <1 1.6 68 46 23 4.3 2.040 0.324  <0.03 0.30
16S/1E-24N5 8.02 520 138 7.1 32 51 <0.05  <1 1.2 44 35 13 3.0  <0.05 0.089 0.03 0.32
Seaside Basin
15S/1E-15N3 (shal)   345 74 7.9 51 18 0.09  <1 <0.2 17 40 4.6 3.5  <0.05 <0.0005 0.04 0.32
15S/1E-15N2 (deep)   970 252 8.0 162 43 0.13  <1 0.52 76 111 15 4.6  <0.05 0.054  <0.03 0.51
15S/1E-23Ca (shal) 805 236 8.2 125 42 <0.05 6 0.82 82 86 20 5.6 1.080 0.280  <0.03 0.60
15S/1E-23Cb (deep) 1230 326 8.2 194 95 0.57  <1 1.2 113 138 25 7.0  <0.05 0.055  <0.03 0.67
15S/1E-15F1 (shal) 320 72 8.1 61 11 <0.05 4 <0.2 19 34 5.0 2.3  <0.05 <0.0005  <0.03 0.23
15S/1E-15F2 (deep) 920 240 7.9 168 43 0.11  <1 0.54 76 111 17 4.9 0.200 0.088  <0.03 0.41
15S/1E-15K5 (shal) 330 70 8.0 56 9 <0.05 2 0.53 26 40 9.7 3.5 2.760 0.229 0.08 0.30
15S/1E-15K4 (deep) 800 222 8.2 126 38 0.07  <1 0.57 59 97 12 4.2 0.240 0.090 0.04 0.42
15S/1E-11Pa (shal) 340 66 8.1 60 12 <0.05  <1 0.29 23 36 4.4 3.7  <0.05 <0.0005 0.05 0.31
15S/1E-11Pb (deep) 450 94 8.2 76 15 <0.05  <1 0.29 27 54 3.7 3.6  <0.05 <0.0005 0.06 0.35
15S/1E-12Fa (shal) 350 70 8.1 65 12 <0.05  <1 0.20 21 39 5.2 2.0  <0.05 <0.0005  <0.03 0.27
15S/1E-12Fc (deep) 380 80 8.1 66 13 0.06  <1 0.41 23 42 5.6 3.0 0.560 0.053 0.05 0.33
 (1)   Maximum contaminant levels are from California Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations, Title 22, 1977.
 (2)   The three values listed for certain constituents refer to the "recommended" level, the "upper" level, and "short-term use" level, respectively.