Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 6, 2006

 8:30 AM


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM in the District Conference Room. 


Committee Members present:            Alvin Edwards, Chair                                         

Judi Lehman                                                                         


Staff members present:                        David Berger

                                                                Rick Dickhaut

                                                                Sara Reyes


Committee Members absent:             Michelle Knight


Oral Communications        Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications.  Public comment on any other matter listed on the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the committee.                  


No public comment was received.


Item on Board Agenda for April 17, 2006


1.                   Consider Adoption of Board Expense Reimbursement Policy and Modification of the Meeting Rules to Comply with AB1234 and Designate Employees Required to Attend Ethics Training


Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager/Chief Financial Officer, presented an overview of this item to the committee.  After discussion, the committee voted 2 to 0 to approve staff’s recommendation to:  1) Adopt the MPWMD Board Expense Reimbursement Policy; 2) Adopt the Modifications to Rules No. 9 and 10 of the Meeting Rules of MPWMD; and 3) Designate the District’s General Manager, General Counsel, administrative Services Manager/Chief Financial Officer, Planning and Engineering Manager, Water Resources Manager and Water Demand Manager as employees required to obtain periodic ethics training. 


2.                   Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for February 2006


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to adopt the February 2006 Treasurer’s Report.


Other Business


Review Draft April 17, 2006 Board Meeting Agenda


General Manager David Berger reviewed the April 17, 2006 agenda items.  Director Edwards requested that SB 1630 (Maldonado) be added for informational purposes.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM.



