Meeting Board of
Directors Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District March 20, 2006 |
The meeting was called to
order at 7 PM in the Boardroom of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution
Control Agency offices. Board members present: Michelle Knight, Chair –
Division 3 Judi Lehman, Vice Chair –
Division 2 Alvin Edwards – Division 1 Kristi Markey – Division 3
(arrived at 7:10 PM) Larry Foy – Division 5 David Pendergrass – Mayoral
Representative David Potter – (arrived at 7:10
PM) Board members absent: None The assembly recited the
Pledge of Allegiance. No comments were directed
to the Board. On a motion by Director
Pendergrass and second by Director Foy, the Consent Calendar items were
approved on a unanimous vote of 5 to 0.
Directors Edwards, Foy, Knight, Lehman and Pendergrass voted in favor
of the motion. Directors Markey and
Potter were not present for the vote. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. The report was presented by
General Manager Berger
announced that this item would be deferred to the April 17, 2005 Board
meeting due to the illness of David Dettman, Senior Fisheries Biologist, who
was scheduled to present the report.
In response to an inquiry from Director Potter, Mr. Berger stated that
he and two other staff members planned to attend an upcoming meeting
regarding Carmel River Lagoon management.
Director Potter stated that he organized the meeting, and that more
local participation would be needed to solve lagoon management issues. The report was presented by
The Closed Session was not
conducted at 5:30 PM. It was convened
at the close of the 7 PM session.
Since no members of the public were present to hear Mr. Laredo’s
report at the end of the Closed Session, he deferred the report to the March
23, 2006 Board Workshop. Chair Knight announced that
she would represent the District at the March 22, 2006 meeting of the
Watermaster. Director Potter stated
that Supervisor Jerry Smith would represent the County of Monterey at that
meeting. On a motion by Director
Edwards and second by Director Foy, the April through June 2006 Quarterly
Water Supply Strategy and Budget was unanimously adopted by the Board on a
vote of 7 – 0. Director Edwards requested that the report
be given at the Watermaster meeting.
Chair Knight noted that there might be an appropriate place on the
March 22, 2006 Watermaster agenda to present the report. No comments were directed to the Board
during the public hearing on this item. On a motion by Director
Potter and second by Director Edwards, the Board agreed unanimously to submit
the report to the Public Outreach Committee for further refinement before it
is distributed to the public. The
motion was approved on a vote of 7 – 0.
No comments were directed to the Board
during the public hearing on this item. On a motion by Director
Foy and second by Director Pendergrass, the Board voted unanimously to accept
the staff recommendation to: (1) contract with the City of Monterey for a
not-to-exceed amount of $250,000; (2) contract with the Carmel River
Watershed Conservancy for a not-to-exceed amount of $15,368; (3) contract
with the Big Sur Land Trust for a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000; (4)
contract with RMC for a not-to-exceed amount of $146,485; and (5) contract
with Padre and Associates for a not-to-exceed amount of $41,008. The motion was approved unanimously on a
vote of 7 – 0. The following comments were
directed to the Board during the public comment period on this item. (1)
Robert Greenwood, representing the Carmel Valley Association, urged the
Board to fast-track completion of the Integrated Regional Water Management
Plan (IRWMP). He expressed concern
that if the Monterey Bay Regional Water Authority prepares a study of
regional water supply projects, that would duplicate work to be completed on
the IRWMP. (2) John Fischer, resident of Pacific Grove, spoke about the
importance of the water quality testing proposed in the IRWMP to be conducted
in the vicinity of storm water discharges in areas designated to have special
biological significance in the Carmel Bay and Pacific Grove. Director Potter offered
a motion that was seconded by Director Foy to adopt the draft charge as
presented with the following modifications:
(1) delete paragraph No. 1 and add the replacement text shown on
Exhibit 13-A; (2) amend the replacement text by deleting the words “guidance
to the MPWMD staff and”; (3) delete the word “all” from section 4b; (4)
section 4c shall remain in the charge; and (5) delete the words “designated
by a majority of the Board or the District Board Chair” from item 4c and
replace with the words “consistent with the Public Outreach Committee mission
or charge.” The motion was adopted
unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. During the public comment
period on this item, Robert Greenwood, representing the Carmel Valley
Association, expressed support for the committee charge as proposed by
Director Knight. There was no discussion of
the Informational Items/Staff Reports. The meeting was adjourned
at 8:20 PM in memory of the recently deceased John Logan, an accomplished and
respected hydrologist and long-time participant in community water
issues. |
Consider Adoption of Minutes of the February 22,
2006 Board Workshop and February 23, 2006 Regular Board Meeting 2.
Receive and File Annual Mitigation Program Report
for Reporting Year 2004-2005 3.
Consider Authorization of Funds to Contract with
Ventana Wildlife Society for Carmel River Avian Habitat Monitoring 4.
Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for January
Water Supply Project Alternatives Update 6.
2005-06 Steelhead Rescue/Rearing Season Report GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 7.
Status Report on California-American Water
Compliance with State Water Resources Control Board Order 95-10 ATTORNEY’S REPORT 8.
Report on 5:30 PM Closed Session of the Board DIRECTORS’ REPORTS 9.
Oral Reports on Activities of County, Cities, Other
Agencies/Committees/ Associations PUBLIC HEARINGS 10.
Consider Adoption of April through June 2006
Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget 11.
Receive Public Comment on Draft 2005 MPWMD Annual
Consider Authorization of Consultant Contracts and
Sub-Grantee Agreements for Completion of the Proposition 50 Grant-Funded
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel
Bay and Southern Monterey Bay 13.
Consider Adoption of Charge for Public Outreach
Letters Received 15.
Committee Reports 16.
Strategic Planning Initiatives Progress Report 17.
Carmel River Fishery Report 18.
Water Conservation Program Report 19.
Monthly Allocation Report 20.
Monthly California American Water Production Report 21.
Monthly Water Supply Status Report ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION |
David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board