California American Water Distribution System
  Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget: July - September 2006   
  Proposed Production Values by Source in Acre-Feet  
  Assuming Wet Inflow Conditions1  
    Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06   Oct-05 - May-06 Percent  
  San Clemente Reservoir 0 0 0   0 0.0%  
  Carmel Valley Aquifer        
     Upper  30 31 33   637 7.6%  
     Lower 1,027 1,047 892   6,273 75.0%  
  Seaside Ground Water Basin        
  Coastal Subareas 518 518 518   1,450 17.3%  
         -- Production 1,575 1,596 1,443   7,949    
         -- Seaside Injection 0 0 0   411    
  Total 1,575 1,596 1,443   8,361 100.0%  
Text Box: Notes:
1.  The budget reflects "wet" inflow conditions and assumes that the monthly inflows at the San Clemente Dam site during the July-September 2006 period will approximately equal the 12-25% exceedence frequency flow, based on the 1902-2005 simulated period of record and represents the high end of the wet range of inflows.
2.  The annual budget period corresponds to the Water Year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year.
3.  Anticipated production for the July - September 2006 period is based on Cal-Am production of 4,614 acre-feet from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resources System, including 1,554 AF from the coastal subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin, and 3,060 AF from the Carmel River Basin.  Total monthly production for the system was calculated by multiplying total annual production times  the average fraction of annual production for July, August and September (based on production data from 1988 to 1997, adjusted for an assumption that production from the Seaside Groundwater Basin would not exceed 3,504 AF per year and production from the Carmel River Basin would not exceed 11,285 AF per year).
4. Anticipated production for "Seaside Injection" is based on an average diversion rate of approximately 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) or 4.4 AF per day from Cal-Am's sources in the Carmel River Basin. "Total" monthly Cal-Am includes water for customer needs and water for injection into the Seaside Ground Water Basin. 
5.  No surface water diversions from San Clemente Reservoir are assumed for this period based on concerns regarding water quality (elevated turbidity) and the physical in ability to withdraw water from the reservoir due to sedimentation.
6.  Anticipated monthly production from the Upper Carmel Valley Aquifer is based on continuous pumping rate of 0.5 cfs in July, August and September from combined capacities of Russell Wells No. 2 and 4.