23. |
Meeting Date: |
June 22, 2006 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A. Berger, |
Program/ |
N/A |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
Prepared By: |
Arlene Tavani |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: At the January 26, 2006 Board meeting, the Directors discussed establishment of a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) that could provide input on water use and consumption policies under consideration by the Policy and Technical Committees and the Board. Staff was directed to contact community groups and solicit their interest in participating on the proposed committee. The Board agreed to discuss committee membership and fully develop the committee charge once responses from the community groups were received.
On April 7, 2006 a letter and questionnaire were sent to a list of 27 community groups inquiring as to their interest in participation on the committee. A similar mailing was sent out on May 5, 2006 to the groups that had not responded to the first mailing and an additional organization. Fourteen community groups responded to the District’s mailing. In addition, two unsolicited responses were received. A total of fifteen groups indicated that they were interested in membership on the committee. Attached as Exhibit 23-A is a list of organizations that were contacted about participation on the committee, it shows the groups that responded and includes their comments regarding the proposed CAC.
In order to establish the CAC, a charge for the committee must be developed. Attached as Exhibit 23-B is the draft charge that was reviewed by the Board on January 26, 2006. At that time, the Directors expressed their views on the membership, purpose and functions of the committee but finalization of the charge was deferred. Attached as Exhibit 23-C is an excerpt from minutes of the January 26, 2006 Board meeting summarizing Board discussion pertinent to the committee charge.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board should: (1) review the information provided; (2) decide if the CAC should be formed; (3) refine and adopt the committee charge; and (4) designate which community organizations should be invited to participate on the CAC. As an alternative, if the Board decides to form the committee, refinement of the charge could be referred to the Water Demand Committee for consideration at its June 28, 2006 meeting, with subsequent consideration by the Board on July 17, 2006.
BACKGROUND: At the Board’s September 8, 2005 Strategic Planning workshop, one or more Directors suggested that representatives of environmental and other public interest groups be added to the PAC and TAC to provide input directly from citizens on policy issues under consideration by those two committees. Other Directors felt that input from community groups or other interested citizens should continue to be provided to the Board when such matters are agendized for consideration. The Board’s consensus, which is reflected in the adopted 2005-06 Strategic Plan, was that the Board would discuss and determine at its December 12, 2005 meeting whether or not to (a) expand the PAC and TAC, or (b) create a separate CAC and charge.
At the December 12, 2005 meeting, the Board made a decision that membership on the Policy and Technical Advisory committees should continue to be made up strictly of representatives from the jurisdictions within the District. The Board also decided to consider creation of a Community Advisory Committee and charge at a future meeting when the issue of committee membership could be fully explored.
At the January 26, 2006 Board meeting, the Board discussed formation of a CAC, but deferred action on development of the committee charge and establishment of membership until it could be determined if community groups were interested in participating on the CAC. Staff sent out two mailers to 28 community groups inquiring as to their interest in participating on the CAC.
As further background information, staff researched District files regarding instances in the past when the Board has created citizen advisory committees. In addition to the Carmel River Advisory Committee, past District Boards have formed committees that included citizen members for various specific policy issues. For example, in the mid-1980’s an Urban Water Conservation Committee, partly comprised of citizens from the community, was formed to advise the Board on developing and implementing a District water conservation and rationing program. In the mid-1980’s, and again in the early 1990’s, the Board created a Citizens Financial Advisory Committee to evaluate and develop recommendations on funding methods and revenue sources for financing proposed reservoirs on the Carmel River and a seawater desalination project. In 1998 the Citizens Conservation Committee was formed and was instrumental in development of the District’s Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan. The committee included plumbers, building contractors, golf course operators, Realtors, the visitor serving industry and landscapers.
23-A List
of Community Groups Contacted and Results of the Inquiry
23-B Draft
Charge to the MPWMD Community Advisory Committee
23-C Excerpt from Minutes of January 26, 2006 MPWMD Board Meeting