



February 2, 2006, 10:00 A.M. 

Mid-Carmel Valley Fire Station Community Room




MEMBERS PRESENT:          John Dalessio, Susan Rogers, Tom House, Marjorie Ingram Viales

MEMBERS ABSENT:            Clive Sanders, Richard H. Rosenthal, Larry Levine

PUBLIC PRESENT:               Monica Hunter (Planning and Conservation League), David Dilworth, Margaret Robbins, Hank Smith (Carmel River Steelhead Association), Bob Zampatti (Carmel River Steelhead Association)

STAFF PRESENT:                 Larry Hampson, Thomas Christensen, Andy Bell


2.               PUBLIC COMMENT –David Dilworth suggested that a section be added to the agenda for reports on matters referred by the Committee to the MPWMD Board of Directors and stated that Committee should receive a response back from the Board when the CRAC makes a recommendation.


3.               CONSENT CALENDAR – there were no items to approve.


4.               REVIEW CHARGE TO THE CARMEL RIVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Andy Bell described the action taken by the Board on December 12, 2005 concerning the Committee’s charge.  Tom House stated that the Committee should have an opportunity to discuss the charge.  Bell said he would send background information included with the December 12, 2005 meeting packet.  John Dalessio said he was not happy with the process and the response by the Board to the Committee’s recommended Mission Statement.  He said he would like to address the Board on the matter at their next meeting.  Bell said Dalessio could also contact the Chair (Michelle Knight) or Vice-Chair (Judi Lehman) if he wished the item to be added to a Board meeting agenda for further discussion by the Board.


David Dilworth stated that MPWMD should examine ecological values throughout the District and recommended that the Committee oversee all the watersheds within the District boundary.  To facilitate this, he recommended that the primary mission of the Committee be changed to reflect this.  He also stated that no monitoring of nitrates and pesticides is conducted and that water quality should be monitored.


Dalessio suggested that MPWMD compile a report on existing ecological investigations for the Committee to review.


Susan Rogers, Tom House, and Marjorie Ingram said that expanding the Committee’s mission to include all watersheds within the District would be beyond the scope of the Committee’s purpose.


By consensus, the Committee decided to continue discussion of this item at their next meeting.


5.               UPDATE ON CARMEL RIVER WATERSHED CONSERVANCY ACTIVITIES   Monica Hunter described work to complete a Supplemental Action Plan (SAP) for the Carmel River watershed that would examine actions that should be taken in the watershed if the San Clemente Dam is removed.  Two public workshops to discuss the SAP were tentatively scheduled for late March and early April.


6.               UPDATE AND DISCUSSION ON SAN CLEMENTE DAM SEISMIC SAFETY PROJECT – Larry Hampson described the five alternatives to be included in a combined Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) being jointly completed by the California Department of Water Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  The EIR/EIS was expected to be available for public review in late April 2006.


7.               DISCUSSION OF BARRIER BEACH MANAGEMENT AT THE CARMEL RIVER LAGOON – Hampson described MPWMD’s participation in the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) formed for managing the barrier beach, the short-term actions proposed for the winter of 2005-2006, and work by the TAC to complete a Long Term Management Plan. 


8.               REVIEW PROCESS FOR PRIORITIZATION AND FUNDING FOR RESTORATION PROJECTS – this item was postponed to a future meeting.


9.               STAFF REPORTS – Hampson reported that MPWMD had received a formal commitment from the California Department of Water Resources for $496,957 in grant funds to complete an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Region consisting of the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and South Monterey Bay.


10.            ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS – suggested items included:


- San Clemente Dam Seismic Safety Project

- Carmel River restoration project priorities

- invite NOAA Fisheries representatives to a committee meeting


11.            ADJOURNMENT – The next meeting was scheduled for May 4, 2006, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.





