1. Under SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, Cal-Am is limited to 11,285 acre-feet of diversions from
the Carmel River Basin in WY 2007.
2. Under the current MPWMD water supply budget, Cal-Am is limited to 1,200 acre-feet of diversions from the
coastal subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin during the first quarter
of WY 2007. This limit is consistent with the allocation of 3,504 acre-feet of extractions from
the Seaside Basin specified in the Seaside adjudication for Calendar Year
(CY) 2006.
3. Carmel River diversions are reduced for diversions that are injected
into the Seaside Groundwater Basin.
During WY 2007 to date, zero
acre-feet of water have been diverted from the Carmel River Basin for
injection into the Seaside Groundwater Basin.