Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Public Outreach Committee
November 30, 2006
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order
at 1:45 PM in the District conference room.
Committee members present were Kristi Markey,
Comments from the Public
No comments.
Action Items
1. Receive
Minutes of August 30 and September 28, 2006 Committee Meetings
On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Edwards the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
Discussion Items
2. Discuss
Strategy for Developing a More Respectful, Effective Relationship with
California American Water Company
committee conducted a dialogue with
a) Conduct a televised workshop on March 29, 2007 that would provide Mr. Leonard the opportunity to educate the Board and public about how a regulated utility is operated and funded. He could describe: (a) the physical system including the number of tanks, pumps and customers Cal Am serves locally; (b) the regulatory process; (c) operating costs and the interaction between capital and operations; (d) how capital budgets are developed and the associated priorities; and (e) how the Public Utility Commission regulates profits through a public process. Mr. Leonard would like to explain why customers pay higher rates for less water, and that rates pay for maintenance and operation of the entire water system, even if only 60 percent of the available water is utilized. Mr. Leonard suggested that another subsequent workshop could be focused on describing the tiered rate system.
Mr. Leonard invited the District Board members to tour
Cal Am facilities to increase their understanding of the complicated system
they are regulating. The Board should
make a visit to San Clemente Dam and view the siltation that has occurred. Directors should also see the
c) Cal Am could inform the District before it begins infrastructure improvements, such as replacement of a water main in a sensitive area. The District would then be prepared to make statements in support of the work. This would alleviate confusion among members of the public as to whether or not the District was in someway responsible for the project.
d) Cal Am and the District should jointly develop press releases on projects they are developing cooperatively.
e) When issues arise that could be reported in the media as potential disagreements, Cal Am and the District should discuss and establish a common understanding of the facts and issues they agree and disagree on. Because an issue is viewed one way by the regulator (MPWMD), and another way by the company that is regulated (Cal Am) it does not mean there is always a disagreement.
f) Mr. Leonard suggested that when an issue of political significance arises, District representatives and Cal Am could confer privately. That will improve the public process.
During the public comment period on this item, Charlie Kemp, representing Cal Am, stated that at the staff level there is good cooperation between Cal Am and the District. There is not always agreement on all issues, but they are able to work around cost and environmental issues in the regulation of water budgets. He complemented District staff on their ability to communicate and solve problems.
The committee members agreed that the suggestions raised in the meeting could be brought before the Board for consideration in January 2007.
Set Next Meeting Date
Staff was directed to coordinate with the committee members on scheduling a February 2007 meeting date.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:10 PM.
A. Tavani/11-30-06 Committee Minutes/02-14-07/2 pages