
Receive Comments from Jurisdictions and Consider Final Action on Proposed Yield Targets to Satisfy Current Replacement and Future Water Needs of the Monterey Peninsula


Meeting Date:

April 16, 2007





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:


Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  Yes

Committee Recommendation:  PAC and/or TAC endorsed proposed targets (see below)

CEQA Compliance:  Not applicable pursuant to CEQA guidelines Sec. 15378 (see below)


SUMMARY:  The purpose of this item is to review comments from the jurisdictions, and to consider final action on the Board’s proposal that current replacement and future water needs of the Monterey Peninsula, respectively, be set at quantity (or yield) targets of 12,500 acre-feet annually (AFA) and 4,500 AFA.  These proposed yield targets were reviewed and supported by the Monterey Peninsula Airport District Board, and the City Councils of Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Seaside and Sand City (see letters contained in Exhibit 14-A).  The Pacific Grove City Council endorsed the District’s proposed current replacement target; however, the Council suggested that an alternative method for projecting future water need be considered, but endorsed the 4,500 AFA target if the District Board confirms that as the final yield target (Exhibit 14-B).  The Carmel City Council endorsed that community’s portion of the Monterey Peninsula’s future yield target, provided its own estimate for that City’s current replacement need, and declined to comment on the overall replacement and future needs targets proposed by the District (Exhibit 14-C).  The Monterey County Board of Supervisors endorsed the District’s proposed current replacement and future water needs yield targets (Exhibit 14-D); and provided an updated build-out projection (Exhibit 14-E), which contains minor adjustments that District staff believes likely would not change the rounded-off 4,500 AFA future yield target.   Similarly, the Presidio of Monterey’s updated water needs assessment does not alter the 4,500 AFA future yield target (Exhibit 14-F).          


The California Public Utilities Commission staff/consultant team, which is preparing the draft EIR for the Coastal Water Project, has indicated that its analysis will include alternative water need targets to the 11,730 AFA project capacity submitted by Cal-Am in its application.  The CPUC team indicated that its analysis likely will be influenced by the MPWMD Board’s policy determination on current replacement and future water needs for the Monterey Peninsula, particularly if reflects the support of the effected land use jurisdictions.     


General Counsel Laredo advises that this policy item is not subject to CEQA analysis at this time, since selection of a water yield target does not constitute a "project" as that term is defined by section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines.  The effect of the selected water yield target will itself be analyzed under CEQA in conjunction with any water supply project or activity planned to satisfy all or part of this target. 


RECOMMENDATION:  It is recommended that the Board: 1) approve the 12,500 AFA current replacement and 4,500 AFA future water needs targets; and 2) direct that formal notice of this action be provided to each of the Monterey Peninsula land use jurisdictions and the California Public Utilities Commission.          


BACKGROUND:  At its November 20, 2006 meeting, the Board discussed the separate, detailed water needs analyses supporting the replacement and future quantity targets, and tentatively set yield targets of 4,500 and 12,500 acre-feet per year, respectively. At the Board’s  direction, District staff forwarded the detailed water needs analyses and proposed yield targets to the eight land use jurisdictions within the MPWMD boundary, and requested comments from their governing boards and councils by March 15, 2007.  The Board also asked that staff review these water needs analyses and proposed yield targets with the District’s Policy and Technical Advisory Committees (PAC and TAC).  The complete staff report considered at the November 20, 2006 Board meeting is attached (Exhibit 14-G).  In a January 9, 2007 joint meeting, the PAC and TAC reviewed these two analyses, and confirmed their previous endorsement of the 4,500 AFY (rounded from 4,445) proposed future yield target.  At that joint meeting the PAC referred the 12,500 AFA current replacement target to the TAC for more in-depth review.  On  January 23 the TAC considered the detailed technical basis of the 12,500 AFY proposed replacement target and, after thorough discussion, the TAC endorsed that quantity.                    



14-A    Letters from MPAD (dated March 19, 2007); cities of Del Rey Oaks (February 28, 2007), Monterey (March 21, 2007), Seaside (March 13, 2007), and Sand City (February 9, 2007)

14-B    Letter from City of Pacific Grove dated March 23, 2007

14-C    Letter from City of Carmel-by-the-Sea dated March 28, 2007

14-D    Letter from the County of Monterey dated April 10, 2007

14-E    Letter from the County of Monterey dated March 13, 2007

14-F     E-mail from the U.S. Army, Presidio of Monterey dated April 5, 2007

14-G    November 20, 2006 Report and Recommendation to MPWMD Board regarding Proposed Yield Targets to Satisfy Existing and Future Water Needs within the District 


