Meeting Board of
Directors Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District June 18, 2007 |
The meeting was called to
order at 7:00 PM in the District Conference Room. Board
members present: David
Pendergrass, Chair – Mayoral Representative Alvin
Edwards, Vice Chair – Division 1 Judi
Lehman – Division 2 Kristi
Markey – Division 3 Larry
Foy – Division 5 (Participated by telephone) David
Potter – Board
members absent: Michelle
Knight – Division 4 General
Manager present: David A. Berger District
Counsel present: David Laredo The
assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance. No
comments from the public. On
a motion by Director Edwards and second by Director Potter, the Consent
Calendar items were approved on a vote of 6 – 0. Director Knight was absent. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. General
Manager Berger presented an update on progress made since May 21, 2007
towards completion of strategic planning objectives. A summary of his presentation is on file at
the District office and available for review on the District’s web site. Director Lehman requested that General
Manager Berger invite a representative from the Big Sur Land Trust to address
the Board on the Carmel River Parkway Plan. Henrietta
Stern, Project Manager, presented the report.
A summary of the presentation is on file at the District office and
available for review on the District’s web site. Darby
Fuerst, Water Resources Manager, presented the report. He stated that between October 1, 2006 and
June 13, 2007, California American Water (CAW) production from the Stephanie
Pintar, Water Demand Manager, provided a brief status report on coordination
with CAW to promote water conservation in the community, and the Phase 2
conservation program regulations. Director
Markey requested that District staff contact the Monterey Regional Park
District and propose that they erect signs advising visitors to Director
Lehman expressed concern about the effect of dry weather conditions on
tributaries to the The
open session convened at 5:30 PM.
Directors present were Edwards, Foy (by phone), Lehman, Markey,
Pendergrass and Potter. No public
comment was directed to the Board. The
meeting was adjourned to Closed Session.
District Counsel Laredo reported that the Board met with labor
negotiators as listed under item 3. No
reportable action was taken. The Board
also received a status report on items 4.A through 4.F. No reportable action was taken. Director
Edwards thanked General Manager Berger and Stephanie Pintar for the excellent
presentation about the MPWMD that they gave to the Seaside City Council on
June 7, 2007. Chair Pendergrass
announced that he and General Manager Berger and Ms. Pintar also gave a
similar presentation to the Monterey Peninsula Airport District on June 13,
2007. Director Lehman requested that
CAW staff make a presentation to the Board that would describe the water
company’s funding structure, and the fees shown on monthly water bills. General Manager Berger noted that Steve
Leonard, CAW Monterey District General Manager, will address the Board on
that topic in a Special Meeting/Board Workshop scheduled for August 30, 2007,
at 7 PM. The meeting will be
televised. Ms. Lehman suggested that
it would be good to provide this information twice: at a Board meeting prior
to the August workshop, and at the workshop. On
a motion by Director Edwards and second by Director Potter, Ordinance No. 128
was adopted on a roll-call vote of 5 - 1.
Directors Edwards, Foy, Markey, Pendergrass and Potter voted in favor
of the motion. Director Lehman was
opposed. Director Knight was absent
from the meeting. No comments were directed to
the Board during the public hearing on this item. Director
Markey proposed a motion to adopt the July through September 2007 Quarterly
Water Supply Strategy and Budget. The
motion was seconded by Director Lehman and approved on a unanimous vote of 6
– 0. Directors Edwards, Foy, Lehman,
Markey, Pendergrass and Potter voted in favor of the motion. Director Knight was absent from the
meeting. No comments were directed to the Board
during the public hearing on this item. On
a motion by Director Potter and second by Director Edwards, the Fiscal Year 2007-2008
MPWMD Budget and Resolution 2007-11 were adopted by the Board on a unanimous
vote of 6 – 0. Directors Edwards, Foy,
Lehman, Markey, Pendergrass and Potter voted in favor of the motion. Director Knight was absent from the
meeting. No comments were directed to the Board
during the public hearing on this item. Chair
Pendergrass offered a motion that was seconded by Director Potter to: (1) adopt the Memorandum of Understanding
as presented in Exhibit 25-A; and (2) authorize the General Manager to
execute the final version of the MOU including minor or non-substantive
changes requested by other jurisdictions, following review as to acceptable
form and legality by General Counsel.
The motion was adopted on a vote of 5 – 1. Directors Foy, Lehman, Markey, Pendergrass
and Potter voted in favor of the motion.
Director Edwards was opposed.
Director Knight was absent from the meeting. During
the pubic comment period, Robert Greenwood of the Carmel Valley Association
addressed the Board. He expressed
support for the concept of regional cooperation addressed by the MOU. He urged the Board to give priority to the
District’s immediate water needs by creating 12,000 acre-feet of new water
supplies to satisfy the requirements of State Water Resources Control Board
Order 95-10. He cautioned that the
Board should not delay progress on development of new water supplies by
“getting bogged down” in solving conflicting regional water needs. There
was no discussion of these items. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM. |
Minutes of the May 21, 2007 Regular Board Meeting and May 31, 2007 Board
Special Meeting/Workshop 2. Consider Ratification of
Appointments to the 3. Consider Expenditure of
Budgeted Funds for Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Stand-by
Generator Maintenance Service with Quinn Power Systems 4. Consider Expenditure of
Budgeted Funds to Purchase a 5. Consider Expenditure of
Budgeted Funds for Purchase of Computer Software and Hardware for
District-wide Upgrades 6. Consider Expenditure of
Funds and Authorization to Contract for Limited-Term Field Positions 7. Consider Expenditure of
Funds and Authorization to Contract with Hayashi & Wayland to Conduct
Annual Financial Audits for Fiscal Years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 8. Consider Expenditure of
Funds and Authorization to Amend Contract with 9. Consider Expenditure of
Funds and Authorization to Amend Contract with 10. Consider Authorization of
Funds to Rent Irrigation Equipment to Mitigate for Impacts from the 11. Consider Approval of
Memorandum of Agreement between the Monterey Peninsula Water Management
District and the 12. Consider Adoption of Resolution
2007-08 Establishing Article XIII (B) Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year
2007-08 13. Consider Adoption of
Resolution 2007-09 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Installment
Purchase Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, an Official Statement and
Continuing Disclosure Certificate and Authorizing Certain Related Matters for
ASR Phase 1 Facilities; and Resolution 2007-10 Approving, Authorizing and
Directing Execution of an Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers
Agreement Relating to the California Statewide Communities Development
Authority 14. Receive and File Third
Quarter Financial Activity Report for Fiscal Year 2006-07 15. Receive and File Annual
Mitigation Program Report for Reporting Year 2005-2006 16. Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s
Report for April 2007 PRESENTATIONS 17. Strategic Plan Update 18. Water Supply Project
Alternatives Update GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 19. Status Report on ATTORNEY’S REPORT 20. Report on 5:30 PM Closed
Session of the Board 3. Conference with Labor Negotiators
(Gov. Code 54957.6) Agency Designated Representatives: Rick Dickhaut, Cynthia Schmidlin, David A. Berger and Ellen Aldrich Employee Organization: General Staff and Management Staff Bargaining Unit Represented
by Laborer’s International Union of North America, AFL CIO, (LIUNA/UPEC) Local 270 4. Conference with Legal Counsel
– Existing Litigation (Gov. Code
54956.9 (a)) A. Application of California American Water Company to the B. Application
of California American
Water Company to the
California Public Utilities
Commission -- Application
No. 07-02-023 --
Allowance for Funds Used
During Construction (AFUDC)
for its San Clemente Dam Memorandum Account C. State Water Resources Control
Board Permit No. 7130B D. State
Water Resources Control Board Permit No. 20808 E. MPWMD v. Nick Marotta, Jr., Gerda Marotta, and
Does 1-100 -- F. MPWMD v. Roy Woods, Woods 1995 Trust, and Does 1-100 -- DIRECTORS’ REPORTS
Activities of County, Cities, Other Agencies/Committees/Associations PUBLIC HEARINGS 22. Consider Second 23. Consider Adoption of July
through September 2007 Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget 24. Consider Adoption of
Proposed FY 2007-2008 MPWMD Budget and Resolution 2007-11 ACTION ITEMS 25. Consider Approval of
Memorandum of Understanding to INFORMATIONAL
ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS 26. Letters Received 27. Committee Reports 28. 29. Water Conservation
Program Report 30. Monthly Allocation Report 31. Monthly 32. Monthly Water Supply
Status Report ADOURNMENT |
David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board