


Meeting Date:

August 20, 2007





David A. Berger,


2-5-1 A


General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Greg James

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A 

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on August 9, 2007 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The United States Geological Survey (USGS) operates two streamflow gaging stations on the Carmel River:


(1)        Carmel River at Robles del Rio (No. 11143200) and

(2)        Carmel River near Carmel (No. 11143250). 


The upper or "Robles" gage is immediately downstream of Esquiline Bridge (River Mile 14.4) and the lower or "Carmel" gage is immediately downstream of Via Mallorca Bridge (River Mile 3.6). The District relies on the flow data from both of these stations to support a variety of programs and studies.  This year’s proposed program incorporates a significant change in the USGS Federal Matching Funds (FMF).  In past years under the USGS cooperative program, the District funded 50 percent of the total cost for operating the Carmel station, and the USGS funded the remaining 50 percent of the cost.  However, beginning in Water Year (WY) 2008, the USGS will only provide 40 percent FMF, causing the District to fund 60 percent of the total cost.  The USGS needs to implement this adjustment to the matching ratio because the FMF they receive from Congress have not increased significantly since 1982, and are no longer sufficient to maintain the 50:50 match.  It should be noted that the District does not fund the Robles del Rio station.  This station is funded by the Monterey County Water Resources Agency.


RECOMMENDATION:   Authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement with the USGS providing cooperative investigation of the water resources within the District for Water Year (WY) 2008 for an amount not-to-exceed $12,350.  The District was not notified of the FMF ratio change in time to incorporate the added cost into the District’s Fiscal Year 2008 budget.  Therefore, the current budgeted amount of $10,500 will need to be increased accordingly as part of the District’s mid-year budget adjustment. 


BACKGROUND:      The District has funded a cooperative water resources program with the USGS to monitor Carmel River streamflow since the late 1980s.  Other than the District, the USGS is the only other independent agency that monitors continuous Carmel River streamflow.  The Carmel station provides a long-term streamflow record that began in 1962.  Given the financial constraints outlined in the attached USGS program letter (Exhibit 2-A), there is no guarantee that the USGS would continue full funding of the station maintenance, without the District’s funding.  The USGS streamflow data provides a valuable cross check for the District’s streamflow data when verifying the daily, annual, and peak flows that occur on the Carmel River.  In addition, as a cooperator with the USGS, the District has an improved ability to request and obtain various streamflow information including annual reports, current flow conditions, and historical flood flow information.  Lastly, District staff plans to assess the possibility of utilizing its own resources to maintain the Carmel streamgage in future water years, as the annual cost share amount continues to increase (i.e., 26% increase from WY 2007 to WY 2008).


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  The District's share for continuation of streamflow monitoring at the Carmel River near Carmel station for WY 2008 (October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008) is $12,350, as indicated on Exhibit 2-A, which represents a 26% increase over the WY 2007 cost.



2-A      USGS Program Letter and Joint Funding Agreement for Water Year 2008

