1. The Water Management District is
charged under the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law with the
integrated management of the ground and surface water resources in the
2. The Water Management District has general and specific power to cause and implement water conservation activities as set forth in Sections 325 and 328 of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law.
Under SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, California American
Water was ordered to reduce its historical diversion from the
6. Sub-potable Water substituted for Potable water from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System or Seaside Groundwater Basin sources contributes to water savings through the Water Management District and reduces overpumping of Groundwater that leads to environmental degradation by permanently setting aside 25 percent of the former irrigation use as permanent conservation savings and by setting aside any remaining Sub-Potable Water Use Credit as permanent conservation savings at such time as the credit expires.
7. Providing an incentive for substitution of Sub-potable irrigation water for Potable water in Non-Residential settings encourages conversions, thereby reducing dependence on Potable supplies.
8. Providing incentives to substitute Sub-potable Water for Potable water supports the MPWMD Mission: To Manage, Augment and Protect Water Resources for the Benefit of the Community and the Environment.
9. Substituting Sub-potable Water for Potable water supports the District’s legislative function to conserve water.
10. Sub-potable Water is a viable substitute for Potable water used for Landscape and agricultural irrigation, fire protection, urban waterscape, in-building uses, and industrial reuse.
11. A valid Sub-potable Water Use Credit may provide the basis for the General Manager to issue a Water Permit for new, modified, or intensified Non-Residential water use on that Site using the Source of Supply from which the credit originated.
12. This ordinance shall amend District Rule 11, Definitions, to add the definition for Sub-potable Water Use Credit.
13. This ordinance shall amend District Rule 25.5, Water Use Credits and On-Site Water Credits, to refer to Sub-potable Water Use Credits and Rule 134.
14. This ordinance shall add Rule 134, Sub-potable Water Use Credits, to the Rules and Regulations of the MPWMD to allow a Sub-potable Water Use Credit when all Potable irrigation is replaced with Sub-potable Water.
NOW THEREFORE be it ordained as follows:
Section One: Short Title
This ordinance shall
be known as the 2007 Sub-potable Water
Use Credit Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
Section Two: Statement of Purpose
The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District enacts this ordinance to provide an incentive for replacing existing Non-Residential Potable water irrigation with Sub-potable Water. This ordinance adds the new definition “Sub-potable Water Use Credit” to the Rules and Regulations. The prerequisite for a Sub-Potable Water Use Credit is the permanent replacement of Non-Residential Potable water irrigation (originating from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System or Seaside Groundwater Basin) with: (1) Sub-potable Water originating from outside the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System and the Seaside Groundwater Basin, or (2) Recycled or Reclaimed Water from the Carmel Area Wastewater District or Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control District wastewater treatment facilities.
Section Three: Amendment of Rule 11 (Definitions)
A. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following term shall be given the definition set forth below and shall be permanently added to Rule 11, Definitions, of the Rules and Regulations of the District.
WATER USE CREDIT – “Sub-potable Water Use Credit” shall mean a Water Use Credit
established according to Rule 134 whereby all Potable water irrigation has been
permanently replaced with Sub-potable Water.
Section Four: Amendment of Rule 25.5 – Water Use Credits and On-Site Water Credits
A. Rule 25.5-E shall be revised as shown in
bold italics (bold italics) and strikeout (strikethrough):
E. The following types of Permanent
Abandonment of Capacity shall qualify for a Water Use Credit under this Rule:
1. Demolition
of a building or use that has been recognized by the District as being a lawful
water use;
2. Permanent
disconnection of a lawful water use from a Water Distribution System;
3. Residential
removal of water fixtures;
4. Permanent
installation of non-Mandated water fixtures or appliances.
5. Permanent replacement of all Potable
water irrigation with Sub-potable Water (see Rule 134—Sub-potable Water Use
Section Five: Addition of Rule 134 – Sub-potable Water Use Credits
The following text shall be added as Rule 134:
A. A Person may receive a Sub-potable Water Use Credit for the replacement of
Non-Residential Potable water irrigation (originating from the Monterey
Peninsula Water Resource System or Seaside Groundwater Basin) with: (1)
Sub-potable Water originating from outside the Monterey Peninsula Water
Resource System and the Seaside Groundwater Basin, or (2) Recycled or Reclaimed
Water from the Carmel Area Wastewater District or Monterey Regional Water
Pollution Control Agency wastewater treatment facilities.
B. Sub-potable
Water Use Credits shall be documented by written correspondence between the
District and the property owner.
C. Sub-potable
Water Use Credits shall not be documented by notice recorded on a property
D. Sub-potable Water
Use Credits shall not be transferable to any other Site.
E. A Sub-potable Water Use Credit may be
applied to and shall allow future water use on that Site at any time within a
period of 60 months. After the 60th
month, the General Manager shall allow renewal of this Sub-potable Water Use
Credit only upon verification that some or all water savings represented by
that credit are current (i.e. no Water Permit or other use of the Water Use
Credit has occurred). If all savings are
not current, a pro-rata reduction shall occur.
A single renewal period of 60 months shall be allowed; thereafter any
remaining unused Sub-potable Water Use Credit shall expire.
F. A Sub-potable Water Use
Credit on a Redevelopment Project site may, in addition to the time limits and
in the manner set forth above, have its expiration date extended for two (2)
additional periods of sixty (60) months each, to afford any such Redevelopment
Project a maximum period of two hundred forty (240) months to use that
G Sub-potable Water Use Credit shall be calculated as follows:
1. The Applicant
shall provide the District with a Landscape plan and calculation of the
Landscape Water Budget completed by a Landscape Irrigation Auditor for the
existing irrigated Landscaping.
2. The
General Manager shall:
a. Conduct
an inspection of the Site to document the existing Landscaping and Irrigation
System components;
b. Verify
the Landscape plan matches the existing Landscaping;
c. Verify
that all Landscaping was properly permitted or pre-dated any District Water
Permit requirement. This shall be done
by reviewing the District’s file(s) for the Site and by comparing the Landscape
plan against available orthoimagery. Any
unpermitted Landscaping that required a Water Permit shall result in a
reduction of the Sub-potable Water Use Credit to coincide with the quantity of
water needed for the unpermitted area.
d. Review
the Landscape Water Budget for accuracy.
3. The
General Manager shall reduce the quantity of water estimated in the Landscape
Water Budget by 25 percent (25%). The
reduced amount shall be permanently set aside to reduce overall community water
demand and to ensure that any future Expansion of Use on the Site has no
negative impact on the environment.
4. The
General Manager shall further reduce the quantity of water estimated in the
Landscape Water Budget for any unpermitted Landscaped areas. The reduced amount shall be permanently set
aside to reduce overall community water demand.
H. A Notice and Deed Restriction Regarding Limitation on Use of Water on a Property
and Notice and Deed Restriction to Provide Public Access to Water Use Data
shall be recorded prior to documentation of a Sub-potable Water Use Credit.
I Written notification of the quantity
and expiration of a Sub-potable Water Use Credit shall be provided to the
Applicant and to the property owner.
J. A valid Sub-potable Water Use Credit
may provide the basis for the General Manager to issue a Water Permit for new, modified, or intensified Non-Residential water
use on that Site using the Source of Supply from which the credit originated.
1. There shall be no Connection Charge
assessed for any Sub-potable Water Use Credit.
Connection Charges, however, shall apply to the Capacity for water use
which exceeds the Sub-potable Water Use Credit, or for any Expansion of Use following the expiration of the Sub-potable
Water Use Credit.
2. Use of a documented Sub-potable Water
Use Credit to offset an Expansion of Use shall cause recordation of an amended
Notice and Deed Restriction
Regarding Limitation on Use of Water on a Property.
3. No Connection Charge refund shall
accrue by reason of a water use reduction or abandonment of Capacity, whether
or not reflected by a Sub-potable Water Use Credit.
4. Issuance of a Sub-potable Water Use
Credit shall not result in any change to a Jurisdiction’s Allocation or to any Water Entitlement. Use of any Sub-potable Water Use Credit shall
similarly not result in a change to a Jurisdiction’s Allocation or any Water
K. A Sub-potable Water Use Credit shall
enable reuse of saved water on the Site and may be moved between one or more
structures on the same Site or used to construct new uses on the same Site,
subject to the provisions of this Rule.
Section Six: Publication and Application
The provisions of this ordinance shall cause the amendment and republication of Rules 11 and 25.5 and the addition of Rule 134 to the permanent Rules and Regulations of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
Section Seven: Effective Date
This ordinance shall be given effect at 12:01 a.m. on October 18, 2007.
Section Eight: Sunset
This ordinance shall not have a sunset date.
Section Nine: Severability
If any subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining portions of this ordinance, or of any other provisions of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Rules and Regulations. It is the District’s express intent that each remaining portion would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that one or more subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unenforceable.
On motion of Director _________, and second by Director ________, the foregoing ordinance is adopted upon this _______ day of _____________, 2007, by the following vote:
I, David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an ordinance duly adopted on the ______ day of ____________, 2007.
Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ____ day of _________, 2007.
David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board