Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

May 25, 2007



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 AM in the District conference room.  Committee members present were Kristi Markey, Michelle Knight and Alvin Edwards (arrived at 9:50 AM).  District staff members present were David Berger, General Manager; Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager; and Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant.   Also present was Steve Leonard, General Manager of the Coastal Division of California American Water.


Comments from the Public

No comments.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of February 13, 2007 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Knight, the minutes were received on a vote of 2 - 0.  Director Edwards was not present for the vote.


2.         Review and Develop Proposed Outline of Topics for August 30, 2007 Special Board Meeting/Workshop on California American Water Operations and Funding

            Steven Leonard, General Manager of the Coastal Division of California American Water (CAW) discussed development of the presentation with the committee.  They agreed that the presentation would include a description of:  (1) history of the CAW system; (2) water system boundaries; (3) water sources; (4) how production and distribution are managed for optimal use of the resource and protection of the environment; (5) how the cost of production is affected by environmental regulations and protection of endangered species; (6) how the Public Utilities Commission regulates water rates and CAW profits; (7) issues with the San Clemente Dam retrofit; and (8) decline of water levels in the Seaside Basin.  It was agreed that a question and answer session would follow Mr. Leonard’s presentation.  All questions would be submitted in writing.  Questions that could not be answered that evening could be responded to in writing at a later date.  Following the question and answer period, the Board would receive public comment.  Mr. Leonard stated that he was prepared to speak at future Board workshops on other issues facing the CAW water system, as outlined in the list of suggestions for improving understanding and cooperation with CAW that was adopted by the Board on February 22, 2007.


3.         Report on Coordination with California American Water on Joint Effort to Promote Water Conservation

            Ms. Pintar reported that the District and CAW staff have met regularly during the previous three-month period to develop a plan for promoting conservation.  In addition CAW and District staff were coordinating with the hospitality industry to ensure enforcement of conservation regulations, and had partnered with a local green program to identify projects that have taken extraordinary efforts to conserve water.  The committee members encouraged staff to prepare the public for possible implementation of Stage 2 and 3 conservation regulations and to educate them about rate increases that would be implemented under Stage 3.  The committee suggested that: (1) Ms. Pintar provide an update at each Board meeting on the conservation program; (2) some items on the list entitled Water Waste Enforcement should be reviewed at a future Board meeting; and (3) Access Monterey Peninsula should be provided with a list of Stage 1 conservation requirements that could be televised regularly.


4.         Set Next Meeting Date

A meeting will be scheduled when needed.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11 AM.




