


Meeting Date:

October 15, 2007





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:




Prepared By:

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


Carmel River Advisory Committee Meeting: On September 13, 2007, the Carmel River Advisory Committee held a Special Meeting as part of the District’s outreach program for the development of the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan.  The meeting was held at the Cachagua General Store in Cachagua Valley to give residents an opportunity to hear about the IRWM program and to solicit input concerning issues in the Cachagua Creek watershed.  Based on input from the residents attending the meeting, it is clear that there are some economically disadvantaged areas in Cachagua Valley and that responsibility for water resources management is essentially split between property owners and regulatory agencies such as Monterey County Health Department.  There is at present no single entity that could represent the interests of the stakeholders in the area and comply with the requirements of the IRWM program.  Clive Sanders, a Carmel River Advisory Committee member and representative of the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy offered assistance to the residents in identifying projects that could improve the fishery in Cachagua Creek.  MPWMD staff will investigate the possibility of obtaining planning funds through the IRWM program to assist residents in the area (see next item), should they require help.


State Proposition 50/84/1E Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program:  On Friday September, 21, 2007, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) gave a presentation in Salinas on the IRWM program funded by Propositions 50, 84, and 1E.  DWR representatives stated that DWR may fund only planning grants for Fiscal Year 2007-08 (July 1 to June 30).  Availability of these funds depends on whether the Governor signs SB 1002.  No funds for Prop. 84 implementation grants were included in this year's State budget.  Roll-out of implementation grants from Prop. 84 funds will not begin until FY 2008-09 at the earliest and will depend on passage of legislation to appropriates the funds.


MPWMD is a partner in three projects proposed in the IRWM Plan for this area including a project to expand Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Seaside Groundwater Basin, Lower Carmel River Floodplain Restoration (including work at the Lagoon), and an expansion of the Water Conservation Retrofit Program.  The decision to delay roll-out of funds from Prop. 84 may affect the scope and timing of these projects.

Requirements for obtaining additional planning grant funds will not be known until DWR publishes a Proposal Solicitation Package, which is tentatively scheduled for completion early next year.  The maximum planning grant will be $1 million and DWR has set a preliminary target of a 25% local match, which parallels the Proposition 50 Planning Grant requirement.  Planning grant funds may be used for developing, updating, or improving IRWM Plans. DWR is also proposing to fund Regional flood planning through the Planning Grant program.  The maximum grant would be $1 million and can be combined with a $1 million grant for work related to IRWM Plans.


MPWMD is moving forward with completion of an IRWM Plan for this planning area that meets IRWM requirements under Prop. 50.  However, to qualify for Prop. 84 implementation funds, it is likely that the IRWM Plan for this area will need to be updated after Prop. 84 guidelines are published.  MPWMD staff will facilitate a meeting of stakeholders to discuss additional planning needs in this area when more information is known about the IRWM program changes.  Staff is urging stakeholders to continue participating in IRWM planning efforts.  When implementation funds do become available, it is likely that the grant application cycle will be short and MPWMD staff notes that DWR representatives suggested that a competitive process will be used in awarding grants, which favors areas that have completed all planning steps.


Carmel River Lagoon and State Beach Management:  District staff continued in its role as facilitator of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) formed to help mange the lagoon and barrier beach at Carmel River State Beach.  MPWMD staff continue to search for opportunities to fund the study plan and integrate management of the lagoon with other projects proposed in the Carmel River watershed (see the related item on Integrated Regional Water Management in this packet).


Carmel River Long Profile:  Graham Matthews and Associates began the survey of the long profile in the channel of the Carmel River.  Work will be concentrated on the lower 10 miles of the river where the District has carried out an extensive program of restoration and vegetation management for 23 years.  Field work will continue throughout the month of October and results of the survey should be available by the end of fall.


