1. The
2. MPWMD has general and specific power to
cause and implement water conservation activities and to cause sufficient water
to be available for present and future beneficial use or uses of lands or
inhabitants within the District as set forth in Sections 325 and 328 of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law.
3. The
4. In 2006,
6. The Project includes the construction
of a municipally owned desalination facility in
7. Operation of the Sand City Desalination
Facility shall be regulated by the California Department of Health Services.
8. This ordinance shall allow water
produced by the Sand City Desalination Facility to be delivered through a
single connection into the CAW System.
9. This ordinance shall allow the
expansion and extension of the CAW System to provide connections to, and
potable water service in specific annual quantities (expressed in acre-feet)
for the use on and benefit of all property located within the jurisdictional
limits of Sand City (the “Sand City Sites”).
10. In consideration for the delivery of
water from the Sand City Desalination Facility to the CAW System, this
ordinance shall establish a Water Entitlement in favor of
11. The Water Entitlement established by this
ordinance shall be separate and distinct from the Allocation to
12. This ordinance authorizes
13. This ordinance shall allow issuance of
the Sand City Water Use Permits authorized by this ordinance for new and
expanded water uses on the Sand City Sites, in a cumulative amount of no more
than 206 acre feet per year.
14. This ordinance provides that water use
authorized by Water Permits issued under this ordinance shall be subject to the
conservation Rules of MPWMD under its Regulation XIV and the rationing Rules of
MPWMD under MPWMD its Regulation XV except as otherwise provided herein.
15. This ordinance shall add Rule 23.6 and
amend Rules 11, 21 and 23.1 to the Rules and Regulations of the Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District.
17. The
18. It is in the public interest to reduce
the amount of water diverted from the
19. California American Water has been
limited in its ability to deliver potable water by California State Water
Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”)
Order No. WR 95-10, dated
20. The SWRCB has concluded that the Project,
including the delivery of water represented by the Water Entitlement to the
Sand City Sites, does not violate any provision of Order No. WR 95-10.
21. The Project will allow for the expansion
of commercial and residential water uses within
22. It is in the best interest of MPWMD and
the inhabitants thereof to provide for the Water Entitlement and to enable the
Sand City Water Use Permits.
23. The Project is consistent with the goals
and strategic objectives of MPWMD.
NOW THEREFORE be it ordained as follows:
Section One: Short Title
This ordinance shall be known as the
Sand City Water Supply Project Entitlement Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District.
Section Two: Purpose
A. The primary purpose of
this ordinance is to facilitate the Project.
The addition of the Sand City Desalination Facility as a Source of Supply
to the CAW System shall temporarily decrease demand on existing water sources
for the CAW System.
B. The WDS Permits allow
CAW to take delivery into the CAW System of the 300 acre-feet per Water Year of
Potable Water to be produced by the Desalination Facility. This ordinance establishes a Water
Entitlement for 206 acre-feet per Water Year of Potable water (the “Sand City Water Entitlement”) which
allows up to 206 acre-feet of Potable Water to be distributed from the CAW
System for new or expanded water uses on the Sand City Sites as evidenced by a
Water Use Permit.
C. This ordinance authorizes
Three: Rule 23.6
Rule 23.6 is hereby added to the
Rules and Regulations of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to
read as follows:
RULE 23.6 -
A. There is hereby established the Sand
City Water Entitlement which confers upon Sand City a vested property right to
take up to 206 acre-feet per Water Year of Potable water from the CAW
System. California American Water shall be
required to take delivery of 300 acre-feet per Water Year of Potable water from
the Sand City Desalination Facility for so long as the Sand City Water
Entitlement continues. The Sand City
Water Entitlement shall continue until December 31, 2082.
C. The Sand City Water Entitlement shall be
separate and distinct from the Allocation to
D. Nothing in this ordinance shall excuse
the owner of a Sand City Site from the obligation to comply with the water
conservation rules set forth in MPWMD Regulation XIV and the water rationing
rules set forth in MPWMD Regulation XV, provided, however, that MPWMD shall not
impose a moratorium on the issuance of Water Use Permits authorized by this
E. Nothing in this
ordinance shall relieve the owner of a Sand City Site to whom a Water Use
Permit has been issued from any all or any part of such owner’s obligation to
pay all fees, connection charges, user fees, surcharges, taxes, utility taxes
or other obligation imposed by the California Public Utilities Commission, the
MPWMD (including but not limited to fees and charges imposed by MPWMD under its
Rule 24), California American Water or any governmental authority acting with
jurisdiction on other users of the CAW System in Sand City. Nothing herein shall prevent the termination
of service from the CAW System for non-payment of required fees and charges in
the manner authorized by law.
F. Each Water Use Permit issued to the owner of a Sand City Site
shall provide that MPWMD shall have such access as may be required to enable it
to account for the use of water on the Sand City Site. Water use authorized by the Water Use Permit
shall be measured in accordance with the water use factors specified at the
time of issuance of the Water Use Permit.
23.5 and 23.6
Rule 21-E shall
be revised as shown in bold italics (bold italics) and strikeout
Each application for a Water Use Permit shall
follow the process set forth in Rule 23.1.
A proper Applicant for a Water Use Permit may be the property owner or
any agent thereof. The application for a Water Use Permit shall be deemed complete when the
Applicant submits all of the following:
1. A completed Water Use Permit application,
2. A copy of the recorded Assignment Document, “An Assignment of a Portion of Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Ordinance No. 39 Water Entitlement and Water Use Permit” or “An Assignment of a Portion of City of Sand City Water Entitlement” specific to the application Site.
3. Processing
Section Five: Amendment of Rule 23.1, Action on
Application for a Water Use Permit on a Benefited Property
Rule 23.1 shall
be revised as shown in bold italics (bold italics) and strikeout
Action on Application for a Water Use Permit
a. The General Manager shall review the application and determine whether the Applicant has met the criteria for a Water Use Permit. If additional information is required to complete the application, the Applicant shall be notified in writing within thirty (30) days of the initial application.
The General Manager shall ensure that the Assessor’s
Parcel Number of the Benefited Property shown on the Assignment Document
matches the APN(s) shown on the spreadsheet of water purchasers provided to the
District by either the Pebble Beach Company or the City of
When the APN(s) shown on the Assignment Document does
not match the spreadsheet of water purchasers, the General Manager shall notify
the Pebble Beach Company of the discrepancy contact the appropriate
Entitlement holder to verify the validity of the Assignment Document.
When the APN shown on the Assignment Document is determined
to be incorrect an error, the Applicant shall submit a
corrected and recorded Assignment Document from the Entitlement holder prior to
issuance of a Water Use Permit. The
Entitlement holder shall notify the District in writing of any correction.
When the APN shown on the Assignment Document is
determined to be correct and the spreadsheet is in error, the spreadsheet of
water purchasers shall be revised by the Pebble Beach Company to reflect the
correct APN.
c. The General Manager shall prepare and execute a Water Use Permit for the APN(s) shown on the Assignment Document.
d. The original Water Use Permit shall be mailed to the Applicant.
e. The District shall retain one copy of the Water Use Permit and the copy of the Assignment Document.
1. A Water Use Permit may be amended to reflect a Change of Ownership of a Parcel.
2. A Water Use Permit may be amended to reflect assignment of water previously held collectively by two or more Parcels under a Water Use Permit. A written request for assignment shall be submitted to the District, along with processing fees and ownership information sufficient to prepare a new Water Use Permit.
A Water Use Permit may be amended to reflect
newly-assigned Assessor’s Parcel Numbers when a Benefited Property is
subdivided into two or more Parcels. A
written request for amendment shall be submitted to the District, along with
processing fees, evidence of the subdivision approval by the land
use Monterey
Six: Amendment of Rule 11, Definitions
Assignment Document – “Assignment Document” shall refer
to the document “An Assignment of a Portion of Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District Ordinance No. 39 Water Entitlement and Water Use Permit”
issued and recorded by the Pebble Beach Company
or to the document “An Assignment of a Portion of Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District Ordinance No. __ Water Entitlement and Water Use Permit”
issued and recorded by the City of
2. Benefited Property – “Benefited
Property” shall mean those properties located in the unincorporated portion of
the Del Monte Forest described on Exhibit “A” to Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District Ordinance No. 109 or those properties located within the
jurisdictional limits of the City of Sand City pursuant to Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District Ordinance No. __.
3. Sand City Desalination Facility – “Sand
City Desalination Facility” means and consists of a municipally owned 300
acre-foot per annum reverse osmosis desalination plant which treats water from
the shallow, brackish Aromas Sands Formation, extraction and injection wells,
pumps, water mixing equipment, and additional pipeline to convey product water
to the California American Water pipelines.
Section Seven: Publication and Application
The provisions of this ordinance shall cause the republication and amendment of the permanent Rules and Regulations of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
Section titles and captions are provided for convenience and shall not be construed to limit the application of the text.
Section Eight: Effective Date and Sunset
This ordinance shall take effect at 12:01 A.M. on ____________, 2008.
This ordinance shall not have a sunset date.
Section Nine: Severability
If any subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining portions of this ordinance, or of any other provisions of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Rules and Regulations. It is the District’s express intent that each remaining portion would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that one or more subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unenforceable.
On motion of Director _________, and second by Director ________, the foregoing ordinance is adopted upon this _______ day of _____________, 2007, by the following vote:
I, David A. Berger, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an ordinance duly adopted on the ______ day of ____________, 2007.
Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ____ day of _________, 2007.