
Consider Amendment to Technical Advisory Committee Charge Establishing a Process for Selection of Committee Chair and Vice Chair


Meeting Date:

January 24, 2008





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:





Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Technical Advisory Committee, at its January 8, 2008 meeting, voted unanimously to adopt the proposed change to the committee charge as presented.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The Charge to the Technical Advisory Committee adopted by the Board of Directors states that the Chair of the committee shall be elected by the members of the TAC.  The charge does not specify election of a Vice Chair or how often an election should occur.  Attached as Exhibit 6-A is the committee charge including a proposed amendment that would establish an election for committee Chair and Vice Chair annually or biennially at the January meeting or the first meeting conducted in the calendar year.   The TAC reviewed the proposed change at its meeting of January 8, 2008 and recommended that the language be adopted as shown on Exhibit 6-A.  The current TAC Chair has requested that a new Chair be selected for 2008.  According to the proposed new language,  at the first TAC meeting in 2009, the committee would decide if a new Chair and Vice Chair should be chosen, or if selection should be deferred to 2010.     


RECOMMENDATION:   The Board should adopt the revision to the TAC Charge that would establish election of the committee Chair and Vice Chair, annually or biennially. 



6-A      Charge to the Technical Advisory Committee and Proposed Amendment




