Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

February 20, 2008

 8:30 AM



Committee Members present:            Alvin Edwards, Judi Lehman and David Pendergrass


Staff members present:                        David Berger, Rick Dickhaut, Darby Fuerst and Sara Reyes


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:34 AM in the District Conference Room.


Oral Communications--Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications.  Public comment on any other matter listed on the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the committee. 


No public comment was received.


Items on Board Agenda for February 28, 2008


1)       Review and Accept Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007


Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer introduced Rae Gularte and Mike Briley from Hayashi & Wayland Accounting & Consulting, LLP.  The auditors reviewed the audit report and answered questions from the committee.  After brief discussion the committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board accepts the Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007.


2)       Authorize Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for Purchase of a Back-Up Backpack Electro-fisher for Carmel River Juvenile Steelhead Rescues


Darby Fuerst, Water Resources Manager reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board authorizes the purchase of a back-up backpack electro-fisher for steelhead rescues.


3)       Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for Production of 2007 MPWMD Annual Repot


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  He reported that the content of the draft annual report will be presented to the Public Outreach Committee on Tuesday, February 26, 2008.  After brief discussion the committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board considers expenditure of budgeted funds for production of the 2007 MPWMD Annual Report.


4)       Consider Approval of Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Investment Report


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board approves the Second Quarter Investment Report.


5)       Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for November 2007


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopts the November 2007 Treasurer’s Report.



6)       Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for December 2007


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopts the December 2007 Treasurer’s Report.


7)       Semi-Annual Financial Report on the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project


Rick Dickhaut reviewed the semi-annual financial report and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board accepts the financial report on the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project.


Other Business


8)       Review Draft February 28, 2008 Board Meeting Agenda


Chair Lehman requested an item be added to the agenda for Board consideration regarding a regional water supply project alternative that is being presented to various city councils.  General Manager Berger reported that he would coordinate with Chair Lehman and Vice Chair Markey on the title of the item and preparing a staff report on the proposed item.


9)       Consider Meeting Dates for March-December 2008


The committee reviewed the 2008 meeting dates and agreed to set them as proposed by staff.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 AM.  



