11. |
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to
Contract for the Installation of Upgraded Wiring required for the Filters,
Chillers, and ULTRAVIOLET Sterilizers for the Rearing Troughs at the Sleepy
Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility |
Date: |
April 21, 2008 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
Fuerst, |
Program/ |
Aquatic Resources/ |
Manager |
Line Item
Nos.: |
Fisheries 2-3-1
A |
By: |
Chaney |
Estimate: |
$4,995 |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on April 14, 2008 and recommended approval. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: In 2007, eight rearing troughs were installed at the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility (SHSRF or Facility) for holding, rearing, and treating small juvenile steelhead rescued from the lower Carmel River. These troughs were a critical component of the Facility’s operations in 2007. Staff has determined that the addition of chillers to further reduce water temperature in the troughs should reduce fish mortality. In order for the chillers to maintain the lower temperatures, the troughs need to be operated in a semi-recirculated manner, so filters and sterilizers are necessary for good water quality. Each trough will be equipped with a chiller, filter, and ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer. The Facility’s existing electrical junction box is inadequate to handle the additional load and must be upgraded with additional circuit breakers. These new electrical connections at the main junction box must then be wired through new electrical conduits to posts holding GFI-rated, weatherproof outlets next to each trough. At the same time, the electrical connections for the two existing ozonaters that treat the quarantine tank effluent will be brought up to code. Previously, these two electrical devices were served by 100-feet long extension cords. The funds for these upgrades in electrical connections will come from the Facility’s General Operations and Maintenance budget line item (2-3-1 A).
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the District Board authorize expenditure of budgeted funds in a not-to-exceed amount of $4,995 for Carmel Valley Electric (CVE) to: (a) install new electrical connections for the eight chillers, filters, and UV sterilizers, and (b) upgrade the connections for the two existing ozonators to meet the current electrical code.
IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES: The Mid-Year 2007-2008 Budget included $40,400 for General operations and maintenance of SHSRF (Line Item 2-3-1 A). The $4,995 needed for this electrical work will come out of that fund. Staff has already completed pre-project work under instructions from CVE to dig all the trenches and install the 4”x4” posts on which the outlets will be installed, in order to reduce the contract costs for this project.