Community Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 9, 2008



Members Present:

Janet Brennan - League of Women Voters (arrived at 1:55 PM); Paul Bruno - Water For Us (left at 3:40 PM and returned at 4:15 PM); Ron Chesshire; Lance Monosoff (arrived at 2 PM); George Riley – Green Party;  Tom Rowley – Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association; Roy Thomas – Carmel River Steelhead Association; and John Tilley


Members Absent:  Bruce Crist; Peter Dausen; David Dilworth – Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment; Manuel Fierro; Robert Greenwood; Greg Pickens;


District Staff Present:  Darby Fuerst – General Manager; Stephanie Pintar – Water Demand Division Manager; Arlene Tavani – Executive Assistant


1.         Call to Order

            The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM in the Conference Room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.


2.         Comments from Public

            No comments.


3.         Receive Minutes of April 3, 2008 Committee Meeting

            The minutes were received with no comments from the committee members present.


4.         Develop Recommendation to the District Board on Strategies to Address Negative Impacts of the Draft Cease and Desist Order (CDO) Issued to California American Water on January 15, 2008 by the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights

            On a motion by Rowley and second by Bruno, the committee voted unanimously to appoint Brennan and Tilley to a subcommittee that will develop the final report for submission to the Board of Directors.   The final report will be emailed to the entire committee for review.  Committee members may submit comments or minority reports to the District for inclusion in the staff report that transmits the committee recommendation to the Board.  All comments must be submitted to the District by noon on Tuesday, April 15, 2008.  The motion was approved on a vote of 8 – 0.    There were no members of the public present to comment on this item.  During the discussion, the committee members presented additional comments that were incorporated into Attachment 1, the list of impacts and strategies to address the draft CDO.  The committee also began the process of organizing the list of strategies into five categories:  Short Term Conservation; Short Term Project; Long Term Project; Legal Action; and Change the CDO.  The subcommittee of Brennan and Tilley were directed to complete the process and include the list in the final report to the Board of Directors.


5.         Adjourn

            The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.


Note:    An audio recording of the meeting is available for review and copies can be purchased.  Contact Arlene Tavani at 658-5652 or arlene@mpwmd.dst.ca.us. 

