Rules and Regulations Review Committee

of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

February 19, 2008



Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM in the District conference room.  


Committee members present:

Regina Doyle

Kristi Markey

Alvin Edwards, Chair


Committee members absent:  None


Staff members present:

David A. Berger, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:

David C. Laredo


Comments from Public

No members of the public were in attendance.


Action Items

1.         Review and Comment on Proposed Draft Concept Ordinance that Would Add To and Amend the Process for the Administrative Enforcement of District Rules and Regulations


            On a motion by Director Markey and second of Director Doyle, the committee voted unanimously to refer the ordinance to the Board for first reading with the following modifications.  (1) Section Four.C.2., add a new item “c” to read, “Specify the proposed financial penalty.” (2) The ordinance should specify that a hearing officer shall not rule on a property that is within that director’s voter division. If a hearing officer is unable to serve, the next hearing officer in rotation shall be assigned. (3) The Administrative Compliance and Cease and desist Order provision, and the Alternative Enforcement provision should be included in the draft ordinance.  The Alternative Enforcement provision would be implemented when the penalty could exceed $10,000.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


2.         Review and Comment on Proposed Resolutions 2008-02 and 2008-03 that Would Amend MPWMD Rules and Regulations – Rule 24, Table 1—Residential Fixture Unit Count Values and Rule 25.5, Table 4 – Ultra-Low  Consumption Appliance Credit

            On a motion by Director Doyle and second by Director Markey, the committee recommended that Board adopt Resolutions 2008-02 and 2008-03.  The motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 3- 0.


Other Items

No discussion.


Schedule Next Meeting Date

No meeting date was set.



The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 PM.




