Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

May 2, 2008



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM in the District conference room.


Committee members present: Regina Doyle, Chair

Kristi Markey

David Pendergrass                 


District staff members present: Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                                                   Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

   Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of April 2, 2008 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Pendergrass, the minutes were unanimously received on a vote of 3 - 0. 


2.         Review and Develop Recommendation to the Board on the Revised Draft Public Outreach Plan

            The committee discussed the plan and suggested changes that should be made.  It was agreed that the plan should be updated every two years.  The committee requested that the revised Draft Public Outreach Plan be brought forward for final review before submitting it for Board consideration at the June 16, 2008 meeting.


3.         Review Final Report from Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to the Board Regarding the Draft Cease and Desist Order and Consider Impact on Pubic Outreach Program

            The committee requested that General Manager Fuerst prepare a letter for Chair Lehman’s signature thanking the CAC members for their participation and advising them that:  (1) the Water Demand and Public Outreach committees will utilize the report as reference; and (2) the report will be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board as part of the testimony presented by the District on the draft Cease and Desist Order.






4.         Review the Timeline for Presentation of a Draft Ordinance that would Expand Incentives for Installation of Zero-Water Consumption Urinals and Consider if Public Outreach Regarding the Rebate Program and Conservation Incentives Should be Broadened

            The committee deferred this discussion to a future meeting.


Oral Reports

5.         Update on Proposal for Joint Cooperation with Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) on Public Outreach Activities

            General Manager Fuerst stated that the MRWPCA Board of Directors had authorized their General Manager to work with the District on developing a plan for joint funding/time sharing of the MRWPCA Public Outreach Representative.       


Set Next Meeting Date

The next meeting date will be conducted on May 27, 2008.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:20 AM.




