Text Box: EXHIBIT 14-B






MONTEREY, CA 93942-0085 • (831) 658-5601

FAX (831) 644-9558 • http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us








For MPWMD Board review on May 19, 2008



1.      PROJECT TITLE: Adoption of Ordinance No. 134: “Amending the Definition of the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System and Modifying Regulation XV, the Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan.


2.      DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROJECT:  Proposed Ordinance No. 134 (Attachment 3 of the Initial Study) amends the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (“MPWMD” or “District”) rules and regulations to define the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System (MPWRS) to include the Northern Inland Subarea and the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  Redefining the MPWRS is necessary to respond to present or threatened water emergencies caused when increased consumption would force production above the legal limits set by the Seaside Basin adjudication decision.  The amended definition also facilitates conservation, emergency and rationing rate authority for California American Water (“CAW”) with the California Public Utilities Commission.  The ordinance will facilitate maintaining CAW water production below the limits set by the Seaside Watermaster, maintain existing CAW water production from the Carmel River System below the limits set by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), facilitate CAW’s ability to operate its system in accordance with the 2001 Conservation Agreement between CAW and NOAA Fisheries and the San Clemente Reservoir Drawdown Project, and respond to emergency situations that require immediate water use reductions.  District Rule 11 (Definitions) and Regulation XV, Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan (Rules 160 through 175) are modified to implement these changes.


3.      Ordinance No. 134 applies within the boundaries of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD), including the cities of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Sand City, Seaside, portions of Monterey County (primarily Carmel Valley, Pebble Beach Carmel Highlands and the Highway 68 corridor), and the Monterey Peninsula Airport District.  Each of these jurisdictions regulates land use within its individual boundaries and is responsible for CEQA review of individual projects that are proposed. The District does not regulate land use. 


4.      REVIEW PERIOD:  The Review Period is April 18, 2008 through May 7, 2008.  CEQA allows a 20-day comment period for issues of local importance.


5.      PUBLIC MEETINGS: The first reading of Ordinance No. 134 will be considered at the MPWMD Board meeting of May 19, 2008.  The second reading and adoption of the Ordinance and Negative Declaration is scheduled for public hearing on June 16, 2008.  Both meetings will be held at 7:00 PM at the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (conference room), 5 Harris Court, Bldg. G, Monterey, California.


6.      LOCATION OF DOCUMENTS: The proposed Negative Declaration and Initial Study, including supporting documentation and the administrative record upon which the Negative Declaration and Initial Study are based, and copies of proposed Ordinance No. 134, are available for review at the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District office located at 5 Harris Court, Bldg. G, Monterey, CA 93940 (Ryan Ranch).  The staff contact is Stephanie Pintar at 831/658-5630.


7.      PROPOSED FINDING SUPPORTING NEGATIVE DECLARATION: Based on the Initial Study and the analysis, documents and record supporting the Initial Study, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors finds that adoption of Ordinance No. 134 will not have a significant effect on the environment.





Based on the finding that adoption of Ordinance No. 134, the 2008 Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System Redefinition Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, has no significant effect on the environment, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District makes this Negative Declaration regarding MPWMD Ordinance No. 134 under the California Environmental Quality Act.
