


Meeting Date:

November 17, 2008







Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Cynthia Schmidlin

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on November 10, 2008 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  In March 2007, an individual reclassification request procedure was developed by the District.  This procedure was incorporated into the Memorandums of Understanding with the General and Management Staff Bargaining Units, effective July 1, 2007.  In accordance with this procedure, the former District General Manager, David Berger, determined that a reclassification analysis of the Water Resources Engineer was justified.  Accordingly, Mr. Berger assigned the analysis to the Human Resources Analyst.  Consistent with the reclassification procedure, this request was processed in the order received.  The request for reclassification of the Water Resources Engineer position was submitted in November 2007.  The current Interim General Manager, Darby Fuerst, directed the Human Resources Analyst to continue the analysis upon assuming the position of General Manager.  Analyses of the Senior Hydrogeologist, the Conservation Representatives I/II, Conservation Technician, GIS/Graphics Technician, Senior Office Specialist, and one Associate Hydrologist position preceded it.


The reclassification analysis determined that there has been significant growth in the Water Resources Engineer’s duties and level of responsibility since the last District Classification and Compensation Study in 2001.  General Manager Fuerst reviewed the analysis and agreed with its determinations and recommendations.


RECOMMENDATION: Authorize reclassification of the Water Resources Engineer classification (Exhibit 4-A), Range 40 of the District’s Salary Chart, to Senior Water Resources Engineer (Exhibit 4-B), placed at Range 43 of the District’s Salary Chart. Authorize a change to the District’s current Organization Chart (Exhibit 4-C). The Water Resources Engineer position would be replaced with the new Senior Water Resources  Engineer position (Exhibit 4-D).


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Reclassification of the Water Resources Engineer to Senior Water Resources Engineer and placement of the incumbent in Range 43 would cost approximately $4,615 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.  This would represent an increase of $8,075 over a 12 month period.  While funds for this reclassification were not specifically included in the 2008-2009 budget, staff has determined that the budget contains sufficient funds to cover this additional cost.

BACKGROUND: The following details the analysis of the Water Resources Engineer reclassification request by the Human Resources Analyst.


Discussion.  The job description for the Water Resources Engineer (Exhibit 4-A) states that the incumbent is charged with performing professional engineering duties involving hydrologic and environmental research, analysis, interpretation and program development; to implement major engineering and environmental management programs to stabilize and repair stream banks; and to perform a variety of technical tasks relative to assigned area of responsibility. The responsibilities of the current Water Resources Engineer position focus upon implementation of the District’s Carmel River Mitigation Program, affecting the lower 15 miles of the Carmel River. The duties described above remain constant.  However, the position has been assigned significant additional responsibilities.


The Water Resources Engineer has been assigned the role of project manager for the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, turning his attention beyond the work of District staff and consultants on Carmel River projects.  The Water Resources Engineer is required to coordinate and negotiate with senior level managers and professional staff in other Monterey County agencies and private organizations, to formulate and implement comprehensive resources management projects and agreements for our region, which includes the entire Carmel River watershed, the Monterey Peninsula cities, and the Seaside Basin.  The Water Resources Engineer also coordinates regional water resource planning with representatives of agencies in neighboring Central Coast counties; developing joint priorities, strategies, and objectives.  He is responsible for assuring that regional water resource planning is in compliance with state and federal plans, policies and guidelines, facilitating contacts and meetings with responsible state and federal agencies.  He provides assessments and recommendation to the District Engineer, Water Resources Manager, General Manager, and Board of Directors concerning water resources planning and projects, writing requests for grants to fund project implementation.  The Water Resources Engineer prioritizes, assigns, supervises and reviews the work of staff and consultants responsible for regional water resources management. He is also responsible for preparing engineering reports and providing expert testimony to state and local regulatory boards, regarding water resources management and the potential benefits and impacts of proposed projects.  


Determination: There has been a significant accretion of the Water Resources Engineer’s duties.  These new responsibilities highlight an increase to both the scope and the complexity of the duties described in the current Water Resources Engineer job description.   The position has evolved beyond the level of the current job description, in order to meet District needs. Our agency has assumed the role of a partner with other organizations in the development of regional water resource plans, with the Water Resources Engineer acting as Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Project Manager. This coincides with the District’s revised vision statement that states, in part, that “the MPWMD will strive to serve as a catalyst in collaboration with public and private entities for environmentally responsible solutions that result in a reliable and legal water supply.” Additionally, following the Board’s Strategic Plan goal “to enhance revenues from external sources”, the Water Resources Engineer has been given responsibility for grant request writing.  An example of his success in this area is the award of a grant for $497,000 in 2007 under California Proposition 50, providing funds for regional water projects. 

Analysis Recommendation: A new Senior Water Resources Engineer class should be created (Exhibit 4-B), adding new responsibilities, knowledge, and abilities, the most significant of which are described above. The experience level has been increased from four to six years.  The new Senior Water Resources Engineer position would be placed in Range 43 of the District’s salary chart. The current classification of Water Resources Engineer is placed in Range 40.


Internal relationships:  Placement in Range 43 would put the Senior Water Resources Engineer at the same level as the District’s Senior Hydrogeologist position.  Both of these positions are characterized by the performance of the most technically-advanced, professional-level research studies, and/or management of the more complex District projects. Both are expected to conduct in-depth analysis and understand complex principles and theories, laws and regulations and structures of other related governmental agencies which regularly interact with the District. Incumbents of both positions may solicit and administer grants, serve as District representative and technical advisor to committees, and exercise full first-level supervision over professional and technical staff. Finally, both positions require professional certification from the State of California.



4-A      Existing Water Resources Engineer Job Description

4-B      Proposed Senior Water Resources Engineer Job Description

4-C      Current District Organization Chart

4-D      Proposed District Organization Chart




