Special Meeting/Workshop

Board of Directors

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

October 30, 2008




The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM in the District conference room.


Directors Present:         Judi Lehman, Chair, Division 2

                                    Kristi Markey, Vice Chair, Division 3

                                    Alvin Edwards, Division 1

                                    Regina Doyle, Division 4

                                    Bob Brower, Division 5

                                    David Pendergrass, Mayoral Representative


Directors Absent:          David Potter, Monterey County Board of Supervisors


General Manager Present:  Darby Fuerst


District Counsel Present:  David Laredo



The assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance.



Roger Manley, a homeowner in Pasadera that is served by the Bishop Water System, addressed the Board.  He urged the Board to insure that California American Water (CAW) conducts water audits on properties with water use that averages 32 units or more per month.  He requested an additional 30-day time period for the public to review draft Ordinance No. 137 before the Board considers adoption. 



1.         Discussion with Kent Turner, President of California American Water (CAW) Regarding Common Issues and Mutual Strategies to Address Challenges Including Joint Water Rights, and Sharing of Water Consumption Data

            Mr. Turner addressed the Board regarding the draft Cease and Desist Order (CDO) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) against CAW.  He stated that CAW has complied with SWRCB Order 95-10, and that the community could not meet the water production reductions proposed in the draft CDO.  If the SWRCB were to adopt the draft CDO, CAW will take legal action to challenge the decision.


            Mr. Turner announced that the Environmental Impact Report on the proposed Coastal Water Project will be released by January 31, 2009.   The EIR analyzes several projects, but CAW staff have not been provided the draft sections of the report that address those projects.   He stated that CAW would be willing to purchase and distribute water from a project built by another party, if it could be constructed earlier and more cost effectively than the proposed Coastal Water Project.


            In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Turner made the following comments. 

·        After the SWRCB issues a decision on the draft CDO, CAW will make a decision on sharing additional water rights for the District’s Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project.  That decision could be based on the previous agreement that the District and CAW developed.

·        CAW has prioritized an overhaul of its billing system to accommodate water banking allowed in advanced stages of the District’s Expanded Conservation and Water Rationing Program.  The changes should be implemented by 2010.  The new billing system should be based on the tiered rate structure used in many California communities, because eventually that type of rate structure will be required throughout the United States as a means to reduce water use.

·        Mr. Turner would like to see the cessation of all pumping from the Carmel River for municipal water supply, and instead focus pumping on meeting the water needs of environmental resources.

·        Within 30 days, a decision should be made as to whether or not CAW will support a reroute of the San Clemente Dam.  If a reroute were approved, the diversion point would need to change, but the water rights would not be modified.


Craig Anthony, General Manager of CAW’s Coastal Division, also responded to questions.

·        CAW is moving ahead on installation of pilot wells in the Seaside area that could serve as ASR wells for desalinated water from the proposed Coastal Water Project.  The wells will be capped until the desalinated water is available.  CAW and the District are collaborating on the location of additional wells in the Seaside basin that could be used for ASR with source water from the Carmel River.

·        CAW expects that due to siltation from the Basin Complex Fire, capacity at Los Padres Reservoir could be decreased by one-third of its current estimated capacity of 1,500 acre-feet.  CAW will conduct a feasibility study of dredging Los Padres Reservoir.


The following comments were received during the public comment period on this item.  (1) George Riley, representing Citizens for Public Water, stated that the organization will be working to educate the public about the Division of Ratepayer Advocates’ position on CAW’s application for a rate increase.  (2) Roger Manley asked for an estimate of the Seaside Basin storage capacity.   (3) Fran Farina asked if CAW planned to implement a billing system that is specific to California, or one system that will be used throughout the United States.


2.         Discussion with Craig Anthony, General Manager of CAW’s Monterey District, Regarding CAW’s Unaccounted For Water Use

            A summary of Mr. Anthony’s report is on file at the District office and can be viewed on the District’s website.  In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Anthony made the following comments.

·        In order to fully implement the ASR Project, additional transmission pipelines must be installed and other improvements in the system completed.  Marina Coast Water District has agreed to fund construction of a pipeline along General Jim Boulevard.   As a result, CAW will redirect approximately $4 million to fund a pipeline that would bring water from the Monterey Fairgrounds area into Monterey, using some existing pipes.  This could be completed by late 2009 for the next ASR injection season.

·        The pipeline to be installed along General Jim Boulevard will include turnouts to accommodate additional wells that might be constructed in the future in the Eucalyptus and Ord Grove areas.

·        The cost of CAW’s meter replacement program is included in its rate case.

·        CAW is working with local public works departments to coordinate schedules so that new pipe can be installed at the same time that streets are being repaired or constructed.


The following comments were received during the public comment period on this item. (1) George Riley, representing Citizens for Public Water, asked if any measures have been taken to force the 50 highest water users in the District to reduce their water use.  (2) Roger Manley requested that CAW aggressively pursue the top 50 highest water users and insist that water audits be conducted on their property. 



The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.




                                                                                                Darby Fuerst, Secretary to the Board







