Proposed DRAFT Matrix (8 Dec 2008) - R. Doyle

MPWMD 95-10 Desalination Project






#1 Geological Investigation

To understand effect of Project on Seaside and Salinas Basins




1.1 Drill soil borings

To get depth of saturated Dune sands, clay & silt separating it from underlying aquifer (determine if each of 3 sites is suited to extract brackish water)




1.2 Hydrogeological investigation – Bunker site

To evaluate feasibility of putting wells on Bunker site




1.3 Permitting of field activities

To get clearance to drill, construct and test wells at each of 3 sites from CDPR, Army, CCC, MCHD, FWS, CDFG, FORA




1.4 Groundwater modeling

To develop model to evaluate possible size of project and its effects on Seaside and Salinas Basins




1.5 Hydrogeological assessment report

To produce a combined report of tasks 1.1 to 1.4 above explaining the largest possible size of the Project








Optional Tasks

1A Geophysical logging of soil borings

To confirm lithologic layers of borings




1B Extended pump test

If aquifer is sensitive (???), test production well for a longer period of time




1C Demolish test & monitoring wells

If project can’t go further, remove & demolish wells per agreement with CDPR




1D Hydrogeological field program - Stilwell

If Bunker site not feasible (???), to evaluate feasibility of putting wells at Stillwell




1E Hydrogeological field program – Range 8

If Bunker and Stillwell sites not feasible (???), to evaluate feasibility of putting wells at Range 8




#2 Project Description

To develop report listing tasks/information which will be needed for the EIR




2.1 Collector well layouts

To plan/layout where collector wells will be




2.2 Desalination plant siting

Identify where Project will be built




2.3 Integration / connection to CalAm

To determine how the Project will tie in with the CalAm system




2.4 Pipeline alignment

To develop a plan of where pipes will go to transport water (raw, treated and brine)





2.5 Regional wastewater outfall evaluation

To assess the capacity of MRWPCA to manage brine disposal from the Project




2.6 Prepare planning level cost estimates

To develop captal and operation costs estimates for Project





2.7 Prepare project description report

To prepare draft/final project description




#3 Project management and progress meetings





3.1 Management

To track, coordinate & invoice Phase 2 Field Program




3.2 MPWMD Board Progress reports

To prepare 2 progress reports and 2 final reports (field, progress)

