Fish Rearing Summary: May 14, 2008 - January 2009
Holding Location # Fish Stocked (1) # Morts (Disease)(2) # Morts     (Unaccount-ed for) (3) Total # Released %  Survival Ave Condition Factor (K) # by Release Location (4) Notes
Rearing Channel        11 Pools (smaller YOY) 43,106 8,156 21,472 13,478 31.0 1.17 2,946 -- Tank 3           10,532 -- River Smaller YOY fish were placed into the RC pools, to fill, from downstream to upstream as they were brought into the Facility.  Size at release varied greatly from ~ 3 - 8 inches FL.  Most fish were in the 5 - 7 inch range (130 - 180 mm FL).
Rearing Channel          2 Pools         (larger YOY) 3,502 1,078 1,208 1,216 35.0 1.14 647 -- Tank 3            569 -- River Larger YOY fish were graded out after quarantining and placed in one of two separate pools. Size range at release was 3 - 9 inches (FL).
Rearing Channel          1 Pool              (Lrg 1+ Juvs) 27 0 0 27 100.0 1.13 27 -- Tank 3              0 -- River Fish were ~ 2 yrs old at release. Sizes ranged from approx. 8 - 11 inches (FL).
Totals 46,635 9,234 22,680 14,721 32% 1.16  3,620 - Tank 3 (25%)       11,101 - River (75%)  
20% 49% 32%
1. Fish were segregated in separate RC pools by size/age at the start of the rearing season.
2. Disease was primarily bacterial infection (Flavobacterium columnare), but there were minor outbreaks of Ich.
    High concentration salt baths were used throughout the season to treat for infections.
3. Unaccounted-for-fish [# fish stocked - (# of morts +  # released)] were likely due to predation by larger fish. 
4. Fish that were moved from the RC to Tank 3 (held there until the river flow is up) were greater than 150 mm (FL). T3 fish will be released into the
    lower river or the lagoon once it reconnects with the river. Fish released into the Carmel River downstream of Scarlett Well (RM 9.1)  were <150 mm FL.
"Morts" refer to mortalities.  "FL" refers to fork length - the length of the fish from snout to the fork in its tail.
"Condition Factor" refers to a mathematical formula for determining the physiological state of a fish, including its reproductive capacity. It is calculated by 
  dividing fish weight by length cubed (Wg/Lmm3). The heavier a fish for a given length, the higher its condition factor (K). (x 10-5)