March 16, 2009
Darby Fuerst,
Water Supply Projects
General Manager
Line Item No.:
Andrew M. Bell
General Counsel Approval:
CEQA Compliance: N/A
SUMMARY: On January 30, 2009, the California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
on California American Water’s (CAW) proposed Coastal Water Project (CWP). The comment period for the DEIR ends on April
1, 2009. District staff has found the document
to be generally well-organized and well-written. The preparers of the document have identified
and described a wide range of projects. However,
there are portions of the document that need additional information and
analysis. Also, corrections are needed
to some of the information provided in the document. Staff has identified a number of areas that
merit comment by the District, and staff is soliciting additional comment and
direction by the Board as to the content of a formal comment letter to be
submitted by the District.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board should receive a report by staff on
recommendations for the District’s written comments on the draft document,
followed by the opportunity for the public to comment on this item. The Board should then provide recommendations
for additional comments, and changes, if any, to staff’s proposed comments.
BACKGROUND: In July 2002,
the CPUC issued a report titled “Plan B Project Report,” the result of AB 1182
(Keeley, January 1999), which directed the CPUC to prepare a long-term water
supply contingency plan for the Peninsula, as an alternative to the Carmel
River Dam and Reservoir Project proposed by CAW in 1996. In September 2004, CAW filed an application
with the CPUC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for
the CWP, a project that is similar to the set of projects recommended in the Plan
B Project Report. These projects include
a seawater desalination plant located in Moss Landing combined with an aquifer
storage and recovery (ASR) project with injection/recovery wells located in the
Seaside Groundwater Basin. In July 2005, CAW issued a document in
support of their application for a CPCN titled “Proponent’s Environmental
Assessment” (PEA) for the CWP. The PEA provides
a description of the CWP and an analysis of the potential impacts of the
project, similar to an EIR. Following
submittal of the PEA, the CPUC began preparation of the Draft EIR for the
CWP. The DEIR was issued on January 30,
The DEIR analyzes the proposed
CWP as well as a number of project alternatives. The most detailed analysis is provided for
three project alternatives:
- Coastal Water
Project – a 10 million-gallon-per-day (MGD) seawater desalination
project located at the Moss Landing Power Plant combined with an ASR
project diverting water from the Carmel
River system and injecting and
storing it in the Seaside
Groundwater Basin. This project would provide 12,500
acre-feet per annum (AFA) to the Monterey
Peninsula area to make up
shortfalls in the Carmel River System and the Seaside Groundwater
- North Marina
Project – an 11 MGD desalination project with subsurface intake system
in the vicinity of the Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) office at the
west end of Reservation Road, combined with Seaside Groundwater Basin ASR
project. This project would provide
12,500 AFA to the Monterey
Peninsula area.
- Regional Water
Supply Project – a combination of several water supply components,
including a desalination project with subsurface intakes located north of
Marina between Highway 1 and the coastal dunes, recycled water for non-potable
uses, Seaside Groundwater ASR project, diversion and treatment of Salinas
River water diverted at the Salinas River Diversion Facility now under
construction, and injection of highly-purified wastewater from the
Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) treatment plant
into the Seaside Groundwater Basin for groundwater recharge and later
recovery for potable uses. The
regional project is separated into two phases: Phase 1 would provide 12,500 AFA to the Monterey Peninsula
area and 2,700 AFA to the MCWD, including the former Fort Ord
area, for a total of 15,200 AFA.
Phase 2 would provide additional water supplies of up to 10,400 AFA,
including 4,500 AFA for growth on the Monterey
Peninsula and 5,900 AFA for North County areas.
Additional detail on these three
alternatives is provided in Exhibit 2-A (Table 3-1 in the Draft EIR:
Project Facilities), Exhibit 2-B (Table 5-2: Components of the
Phase 1 Monterey Regional Water Supply Program), and Exhibit 2-C (Table 5-4:
Components of the Phase 2 Monterey Regional Water Supply Program).
Chapter 7 of the DEIR, titled
“Alternatives,” includes a description of the screening process for project
alternatives, compares impacts of the projects described above, and describes
two types of alternatives: (1) design
alternatives, including alternative desalination plant locations, intake and
brine disposal methods and locations, and pipeline routes; and (2) water supply
alternatives. The water supply
alternatives included in this section (pages 7-42 through 7-53) are as follows:
Desalination Alternative,
1 Regional Project plus Seaside
Groundwater Basin
Replenishment Project, and
CAW Growth
Project (would provide 17,000 AFA to the Monterey Peninsula,
i.e., 12,500 AFA in replacement supplies
plus 4,500 AFA for growth).
Staff Comments
District staff has identified the
following as areas that merit comment.
In addition, there are a number of minor edits and corrections that
staff proposes to include in the District’s comment letter.
pp. 2-11 through 2-13 (Future CalAm Service
Area Demand – General Plan Buildout)
- Factored demand may be high or low, depending on the ultimate use of
the water user. MPWMD factors are
based on a range of uses within each non-residential use.
pp. 3-23 and 3-24 (Existing ASR
- The description of the MPWMD Phase 1 ASR Project
operation status will be corrected.
pp. 3-24 and 3-25 (Proposed ASR
- The description of project construction–related
impacts of the proposed ASR expansion project will be corrected.
p. 4.1-6 (Carmel
River Flow)
- Effects of reducing Carmel
River diversions upstream
diversions on the volume and water quality of the Carmel River
lagoon should be added to this section. The effect of increased flows to the
lagoon due to a project should be described in terms of the potential need
for more frequent beach management to prevent flooding of low-lying
structures around the lagoon.
p. 4.1-47 through 4.1-48 (Stream Bank
- The
effects of existing and proposed Cal-Am diversions in the lower Carmel River on vegetation and streambank
stability need to be clarified.
Sections 4.1
(Surface Water Resources) and 4.2 (Groundwater Resources)
is not mentioned in the “local regulatory setting” section for surface
water and ground water in Chapter 4, though the District’s regulatory role
is addressed in Chapter 5 (regional project) and Chapter 8 (growth). Certain other local special districts
with a potential regulatory role are also not mentioned.
- Effects
of the existing MPWMD ASR program are described in the DEIR, but an
analysis of the planned additional wells (two more injection/recovery
wells for all alternatives, and an additional three more wells for the
regional alternative) do not appear to have been addressed.
Section 4.4 (Biological
- Riparian habitat on the Carmel
River would benefit if a
desalination project reduced the diversions from the Carmel River
system. However, this section is
silent on this issue and focuses primarily on steelhead. It is possible that many of the riparian
irrigation systems now in place would not be necessary once a desalination
project was brought on-line. However, as storage capacity at Los Padres
Reservoir is reduced due to sedimentation and less water is available to
maintain in-stream flows, some systems may need to be operated to offset
impacts associated with legal groundwater pumping in the lower reaches of
the Carmel River.
- On the other hand, increased riparian vegetation
growth would result in the need for additional maintenance of the riparian
corridor (removal of snags and debris).
Section 4.4.4 (Impacts and
Mitigation Measures)
- The December 2003 MPWMD Board Review Administrative DEIR
for the MPWMD Water Supply Project (the 8,400 AFY seawater desalination
project proposed to be located in Sand City) states that increased flows resulting
from reduced Carmel River diversions could change the seasonal nature of
the in-channel and off-channel habitat for California red-legged frogs
(CRLF) and bullfrogs. Even though CRLF stand to benefit from more water in
the system, bullfrogs, an invasive species, could benefit as well, and may
be able to out-compete CRLF in certain areas. Therefore, a bullfrog management
program may need to be developed as a mitigation measure.
p. 5-11 (Table 5-2, Phase 1 Regional Program)
The DEIR indicates up to 1,000 AFA in
conservation. A breakout of this estimate should be provided.
The existing settlement between California
American Water and CPUC’s Division of Rate Payers (DRA) for the water
conservation budget included in A.07-12-010 (dated January 16, 2009) estimates
water savings of 397-794 AF over a three-year period. This is a cumulative savings estimate, not an
annual savings estimate.
Does this estimate include the effects of rates? CAW’s rates will be changing and will
impact/increase conservation. The
proposed rates respond to the existing illegal water situation. That said, there could be a relaxation of the
rates when the water supply is legalized.
At that time, the conservation savings currently seen due to rates may
be reduced.
p. 5-12 (Regional Urban Water Augmentation
Project (RUWAP))
- In the past, the RUWAP has included supplying 300 AFA of recycled
water to the CAW service area to replace potable uses in parks,
schoolgrounds, etc. As described in
the DEIR for the CWP, the RUWAP would not directly benefit the CAW system
as it does not have capacity sufficient to replace existing CAW uses with
recycled water.
Section 7.6.2, pages
742 through 7-53 (Alternative Projects Analyzed in This EIR)
- The DEIR did not discuss the MPWMD 95-10
Seawater Desalination Project, which is under investigation and is a high
priority of the MPWMD Board.
Chapter 9 (Cumulative
- The
Seaside Basin Adjudication is mentioned in earlier chapters as part of the
overall environmental setting, but the Adjudication is not addressed in
the context of cumulative impacts, i.e., what would the effect be if the
Alternative Producers actually exercised their rights and physically
extracted water in the future from parcels which have been vacant for many
years. Some Alternative Producers
have requested that CAW serve their property based on the owner’s water
rights. Also, the State Water
Resources Control Board (SWRCB), in its letter of February 5, 2009, urged CAW
to obtain available Seaside Basin water rights from Alternative Producers to
help offset Carmel
River pumping. How would such activities affect the
ability of the CAW system to serve its customers in the context of the CWP
and other projects evaluated in the DEIR?
General Comment
The document contains a number of quantitative
characterizations where qualitative information would be more appropriate. As an example, in the analysis for Impact
6.2-1 (Components of the Regional Project may violate water quality standards or
waste discharge requirements) on p. 6.2-24, the text states that the TDS
concentration of the desalination feedwater extracted by the five Regional
Project wells will average approximately 29,000 mg/L. However, no similar impact or information is
provided in the analysis of the North Marina
alternative provided in Section 4.24 (pp. 4.2-35 through 4.2-50). The comparable information provided for the
North Marina Project is as follows: “Due
to the configuration of the slant wells, the proposed NWA would extract water
from both the Monterey Bay and the SVGB [Salinas Valley
Groundwater Basin],
however, the majority of the product water would originate in the ocean. The
fraction of water extracted from the SVGB would be minor compared to the volume
of ocean water and would not contribute to an imbalance of recharge and
extraction in the SVGB.” (p. 4.2-48; emphasis added). The document does not include a quantitative
analysis that supports this statement.
principal impact of this item is staff time to prepare comments on the DEIR. Staff of the Planning and Engineering
Division, Water Resources Division, Water Demand Division, and the General
Manager’s office have reviewed the document and prepared preliminary
comments. No additional costs other than
reproduction and mailing of the District’s comment letter are anticipated.
2-A Table 3-1 in the Draft EIR – Project
2-B Table 5-2: Components of the Phase 1 Monterey Regional Water
Supply Program
2-C Table 5-4: Components of the Phase 2
Monterey Regional Water Supply Program