12. |
Date: |
March 26, 2009 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
Program/ |
Manager |
Line Item No.: N/A |
By: |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: The District’s enabling legislation requires that the District prepare an annual written report of the activities of the District in the protection and augmentation of water supplies of the District. A draft of the 2008 Annual Report was scheduled to be presented to the Board at this Board meeting; however, the draft report has not been finished due to more pressing matters that had to be completed by staff. Delaying this item to the April 20, 2009 Board meeting will also allow the Public Outreach Committee to review the draft before it is presented to the full Board.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Board action on this item be deferred to the April 20, 2009 Board meeting.
BACKGROUND: The District’s enabling legislation requires that the District prepare an annual written report of the activities of the District in the protection and augmentation of water supplies of the District. In recent years, a four page color report was prepared and mailed to all District constituents, local libraries and various other area government agencies. In addition to information required by the enabling legislation, the report has historically contained additional information on other District activities. However, because of the time required to distribute the report, much of the additional information was outdated by the time the report was distributed. This year, the Public Outreach Committee has recommended that the report be condensed to contain only the information required by the enabling legislation. The report will still be available to the public; however, it will not be widely distributed as it has been in the past. Instead the Public Outreach Committee recommends that a newsletter containing timely information about District activities and other relevant information be prepared and distributed as a separate item.