Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

February 3, 2009


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3 PM in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Regina Doyle, Chair

                                                            Kristi Markey


Committee members absent:                 David Pendergrass       


District staff members present:               Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                                                            Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                                            Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant       


Others present:                                     Karen Harris, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency

                                                            Catherine Bowie, California American Water


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of December 10, 2008 Committee Meeting

            The minutes were received on a vote of 2 – 0.  Directors Markey and Doyle voted in favor of receipt.  Director Pendergrass was absent.


Oral Report

2.         Review Schedule for Local Hearings on California American Water (CAW) Proposed Rate Design

            Pintar reported that hearings are scheduled as follows:     March 9, 2009 at 6 PM at Embassy Suites in Seaside; March 10 at 6 PM at Rancho Cañada; and March 11 at 6 PM at Pasadera Country Club.   The meeting schedule will be posted on the District website.


Discussion Items

3.         Status Report on Public Outreach Regarding a Draft Ordinance that would Amend Regulation XIV, Water Conservation

            Pintar reported that the Water Demand Committee will review an outline of the ordinance at its February 19 meeting.  Pintar met with representatives from the local construction industry to review the ordinance.  She will be meeting with a representative from the Monterey County Association of Realtors, staff from the Monterey Planning Department and a representative from the Monterey County Hospitality Association. 



4.         Status Report on Joint MPWMD/CAW Conservation Programs

            a.         Joint MPWMD/CAW Conservation Website

                        Pintar reported that CAW contracted with Byte Technology on development of the Conservation website.  The committee reviewed a preliminary sketch of the website map.  The website will highlight rebates authorized for funding in the CAW settlement agreement.  A link to the Water Wise Gardening in Monterey Peninsula software will also be placed on the Conservation website.


            b.         Review Projects Proposed to California Public Utilities Commission

                        No discussion.


            c.         CAW Outreach Schedule

                        CAW has funds to continue broadcasts of radio advertisements promoting water conservation; development of the joint website; attendance at the Pacific Grove Good Old Days celebration and conducting public meetings on the rate case.    Doyle requested that information should be provided to the public on what type of greywater systems the Monterey County Health Department does allow, and the District’s efforts to influence lawmakers to legalize the installation of greywater systems for indoor use.  Pintar noted that she would request funding in the 2009-2010 MPWMD Budget for rebates in areas of the District not served by CAW.


5.         Discuss Outreach Opportunities for Spring 2009

            a.         Water Awareness Month

                        Plans for Water Awareness Month are being developed.  Pintar and Bowie will develop articles focused on water conservation that can be published in local newspapers


            b.         Landscape Workshop (CAW)

                        CAW has scheduled landscape irrigation workshops on March 18 and April 15, 2009, that are focused on providing information to professional landscapers.  The District and the Water Awareness Committee are cosponsors of the workshops. 


c.         Local Step Up 2 Green Program

            On a vote of 2 – 0, the committee directed that the District spend $250 to become a member of the Step Up 2 Green Program.  Directors Doyle and Markey voted in favor of funding.  Director Pendergrass was absent.


            d.         February Landscape Training

                        The District has organized a Sprinkler System Scheduling class to be conducted at the Monterey Adult School in February.  Pintar stated that if the Public Utilities Commission approves funding, the District will organize four classes each year.  Doyle suggested that in the future, the committee should discuss offering subsequent classes for free or at a reduced rate to encourage participation.


e          Future Landscape Irrigation Auditor/Budget Training

                        Staff is investigating funding sources to conduct training sessions.



            f.          Regulation XV Brochure

The committee prefers that the brochures be developed in house, if possible, by May 1, 2009.  Pintar and Harris will work on developing updated text and graphics for the brochures.


g.         Rebate Program Bill Stuffer

            The District and CAW have begun collaboration on development of a bill stuffer. 


h.         AMP Slides

            Pintar plans to develop slides featuring District projects and programs that can be broadcast along with the MPWMD Board meetings on Access Monterey Peninsula.


6.         Discuss Alternatives to Annual Report

            No discussion of this item.



The meeting was adjourned at 4 PM.  




