Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

January 9, 2009


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3 PM in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Bob Brower, Chair

Regina Doyle


Committee members absent:     Alvin Edwards


Staff present:    Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                        Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:           David C. Laredo


Comments from Public

No comments were presented to the committee.


Action Items

1.                  Receive Minutes of December 9, 2008 Committee Meeting

On a motion by Director Doyle, the minutes were approved unanimously on a vote of 2 – 0.   Directors Doyle and Brower voted in favor of the motion.  Director Edwards was absent.


2.         Elect Committee Chair

            On a motion by Director Doyle, Director Brower was elected to the position of Committee Chair on a unanimous vote of 2 – 0.  Directors Doyle and Brower voted in favor of the motion.  Director Edwards was absent.


3.         Approve Committee Charge

            On a motion by Director Doyle, the committee charge was approved on a vote of 2 - 0.  Directors Doyle and Brower voted in favor of the motion.  Director Edwards was absent.


4.         Review Draft Memorandum of Agreement with Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA)

            Director Doyle made a motion to recommend that the Board of Directors adopt the Memorandum of Agreement at the January 29, 2009 meeting.   The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 2 – 0.  Directors Doyle and Brower voted in favor of the motion.  Director Edwards was absent.   During the public comment period on this item, Keith Israel, General Manager of the MRWPCA, stated that a committee of his Board reviewed the MOA and forwarded it to the full Board for consideration.

Discussion Items

5.         Review Legal and Technical Issues Related to Development of the Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project

            This item was deferred to the next committee meeting when General Manager Fuerst would be present to address the committee.


6.         Consider Next Steps Regarding Development of Regulations for Installation of Greywater Systems

            Director Doyle offered a motion to recommend that the Board of Directors refer development of the greywater initiative to the Water Demand Committee.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 2 – 0.  Directors Doyle and Brower voted in favor.  Director Edwards was absent.


7.         Set Next Meeting Date

            The directors agreed to meet on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 8 AM.



The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM.





