Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 14, 2009



Committee Members present:            Judi Lehman and David Pendergrass


Committee Members absent:              Alvin Edwards


Staff members present:                        Andy Bell, Rick Dickhaut, Stephanie Pintar, Sara Reyes, Cynthia Schmidlin and Henrietta Stern


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:22 AM in the District Conference Room.


Oral Communications


No public comment was received.


Items on Board Agenda for April 20, 2009


1.                   Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 2009-01 Regarding Director Participation in District Health Insurance Plans


Cynthia Schmidlin, Human Resources Analyst reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board consider adoption of Resolution No. 2009-01.


2.                   Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 2009-02 Establishing Guidelines for Receipt of Payment for Travel and Related Expenses


Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager, presented this item to the committee.  After discussion, the committee voted 2 to 0 to continue this item to the May 13, 2009 Administrative Committee meeting and requested that District Counsel be in attendance to answer questions. 


3.                   Consider Expenditure of Funds to Retain Consultant to Prepare Subsequent EIR on Application by California American Water to Serve Monterey Bay Shores Ecoresort


Henrietta Stern, Project Manager, reported that since the writing of this staff note, a motion has been filed by SNG (co-applicant) before Judge Randall, questioning whether or not District’s action to deny the application and require a Subsequent EIR is consistent with the Seaside Basin Adjudication Decision.  Additionally, the applicant has submitted a written request via e-mail that the Board not move forward on the Subsequent EIR contract until the legal questions have been resolved by the Judge.  Thus, staff recommended that this item not be presented to the Board in April 2009.  Also staff has technical questions regarding the scope of work to be answered by the consultant, David J. Powers and Associates.  After discussion, the committee voted 2 to 0 to table this item to a future Administrative Committee meeting once the legal and technical questions are resolved.


4.                   Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Contract with Ventana Wildlife Society for Carmel River Avian Habitat Monitoring


Andy Bell, District Engineer, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  After discussion, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board consider contracting with Ventana Wildlife Society for Carmel River Avian Habitat Monitoring.


5.                   Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Purchase Water Conservation Equipment


Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  After discussion the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve the purchase of water conservation equipment.


6.                   Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Purchase Irrigation System Rain Sensors


Stephanie Pintar reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  Ms. Pintar distributed a document describing residential irrigation system rainfall shutoff devices which will be presented as an exhibit to the staff report on this item for the April 20, 2009 meeting.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve the purchase of irrigation system rain sensors.


7.                   Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Repair Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit at 5 Harris Court, Building G


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize funds to repair the rooftop air conditioning unit at the District office.


8.                   Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Purchase Compact Sports Utility Vehicle


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize the purchase of a compact sports utility vehicle from the low bidder.


5.                   Authorize a Change to the MPWMD Organization Chart Replacing One Conservation Representative I/II Position with a Conservation Analyst Position


Cynthia Schmidlin reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  After discussion, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize a change to the MPWMD organization chart.


6.                   Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for February 2009


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt the February 2009 Treasurer’s Report.


Other Business


7.                   Discuss Response from Carmel Area Wastewater District Regarding Timing of CAWD/PBCSD Reclamation Project Audit


Rick Dickhaut gave a status report on this item.  No action was taken by the committee.


8.                   Review Draft Agenda for April 20, 2009 Regular Board Meeting


The committee reviewed the agenda and agreed Consent Calendar Item 3 -- Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 2009-02 Establishing Guidelines for Receipt of Payment for Travel and Related Expenses and Item 6 – Consider Expenditure of Funds to Retain Consultant to Prepare Subsequent EIR on Application by California American Water to Serve Monterey Bay Shores Ecoresort be removed from the agenda.  No further action was taken by the committee.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 AM.                              U:\staff\word\boardpacket\2009\20090420\InfoItems\25\item25_exh25a.doc