14. |
Date: |
May 21, 2009
From: |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: N/A |
By: |
Stern |
Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: yes
Committee Recommendation: N/A
CEQA Compliance: The MPWMD, as a Responsible Agency for this
project, has considered the Negative Declaration prepared by the City of
Monterey and the Notice of Determination posted with the County Clerk on February
13, 2007. |
SUMMARY: The Board will consider the Application #20081017DUN (Exhibit 14-A) to create the Dunnion Water Distribution System (WDS), a single-parcel system for commercial use. Approval of the application would enable use of a water well at 2711 Garden Road, Monterey, to provide drinking water and landscape irrigation for a new 24,400 square-foot commercial building on the 1.52-acre parcel (Exhibit 14-B), as approved by the City of Monterey in 2007. Up to 18 water meters are anticipated for separate offices within the building, and a 19th connection would be for irrigation use. Using District worksheets, a total estimated water use of 2.2 acre-feet per year (AFY) is calculated. It is noted that the applicant believes that a more realistic water use estimate is 0.79 AFY, based on actual water use data obtained from a nearby office building. California American Water (CAW) currently provides drinking water and irrigation to an existing building on the site via one meter; CAW water will be used only to supplement the well irrigation in the future.
MPWMD serves as a Responsible Agency in this matter in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and relies on the Negative
Declaration adopted by the City of
RECOMMENDATIONS: District staff recommends that the Board take the following actions:
1. Adopt the MPWMD Findings of Approval for Application #20081017DUN shown as Exhibit 14-C with specific reference to Findings #21 and #22, District compliance with CEQA as a Responsible Agency.
2. Approve Application #20081017DUN; authorize issuance of MPWMD Permit #S09-08-L4 with the 25 Conditions of Approval specified in Exhibit 14-D, and direct staff to file a Notice of Determination with the Monterey County Clerk. The Conditions of Approval include required conditions as specified in MPWMD Rule 22-D.
BACKGROUND: The key documents submitted with the October 17, 2008 application are noted below. Cited documents are available for review at the District office; some are attached as exhibits. They include:
Ø Permit Application to Create “Dunnion” WDS and attachments;
Ø 72-Hour Constant Rate Well Pumping and Aquifer Recovery Test with Pumping Impact Assessment for Dunnion Well, prepared by Bierman Hydrogeologic dated September 5, 2008 (referred to herein as “Hydrogeologic Assessment”);
Ø Monterey County Health Department (MCHD) Department Well Construction Permit #07-11148 dated September 27, 2007;
Ø California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Well Completion Report #e018489 dated October 23, 2007;
Ø Title 22 Water Quality analysis dated December 28, 2007;
Ø MPWMD well radius search map;
Deed recorded at the Monterey County Recorder on April 19, 1998 (Document ID #23755) naming owner of subject
parcel as TED Limited Partnership-A, dated September 16, 1988;
of Final Determination dated January 12, 2007 for Master Variance Permit
#06-017 approved by Planning Commission on January 9, 2007, based on Negative
Declaration prepared by the City, filed December 18, 2006.
It is noted that the application form (Question #15) refers to potential future water service to another parcel through a mobile water distribution system, but no information is provided. Thus, this permit addresses only water service to parcel APN 013-321-010. Any future amendment to the system or its service area will require a separate permit application to amend the system.
DISCUSSION: The staff recommendations are based on the following information:
Well Adequacy as Sustainable Supply: The applicant’s Hydrogeologic Assessment was reviewed by MPWMD consultants and staff. The MPWMD consultant report, Review of Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessment for Dunnion Well, APN 013-321-010, prepared by Pueblo Water Resources, dated November 13, 2008 (referred to herein as “Technical Review), is provided as Exhibit 14-E. The Technical Review concludes that the well capacity is sufficient for the 2.2 AFY demand described for this proposed WDS, and District staff concurs with this conclusion. It is noted that reliable water supply is not guaranteed in fractured bedrock settings. Thus, a standard condition of approval is that MPWMD shall not approve a new or intensified connection to the CAW system if a private well fails to deliver adequate water quantity or quality, until full compliance with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order 95-10 has been achieved, and an allocation of CAW water is available to the parcel.
Potential Off-Site Impact Analysis: The Hydrogeologic Assessment includes analyses of off-site impacts. The Assessment concluded that no significant impacts are anticipated, and District staff concurs. There are no Sensitive Environmental Receptors within 1,000 feet, and the one well within a 1,000-foot radius would not be significantly impacted by the subject well.
Water Quality. A Title 22 water quality analysis was included in the Hydrogeologic Assessment, and shows that the well water is of generally good quality, although odor, specific conductance and total dissolved solids were higher than the recommended Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) and do not meet the “secondary” (aesthetic) drinking water standard. Because the Dunnion well will serve a commercial office building, it will be regulated by MCHD. The applicant is advised to consult with MCHD for guidance about potential treatment for these secondary constituents.
Approval of Dunnion Application #20081017DUN
The Findings of Approval (Exhibit
14-C) are based on evidence provided in
the application materials, in addition to the District Technical Review and
related documents on file at the District office. Staff believes the application meets the
criteria and minimum standards for Approval set by District Rules 22-B and C. Pertinent information includes an approved
environmental document, technical studies and reports, technical memoranda and
maps, correspondence between MPWMD staff and the applicant, and previous
approvals by other governmental entities. MPWMD approval of the application is not
anticipated to result in a significant adverse effect to the
The Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 14-D) proposed for Permit #S09-08-L4 for
the Dunnion WDS are consistent with MPWMD Rule 22-D governing approval
of water distribution systems. Conditions
#1-4 define the Permitted System, including a system capacity (production) limit of 2.2 AFY, and the expansion
capacity (connection) limit of 19 connections (up to 18 for separate office
buildings and one irrigation meter). There is no municipal unit (City of
Conditions #5 through #23 reflect standard mandatory conditions of the MPWMD, including water quality, metering and annual reporting, conservation, required Indemnification Agreement, fee payments, etc. Other Conditions of Approval (Conditions #24 and #25) address water rights and compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
The District Board action must
comply with CEQA as well as MPWMD regulations.
In the review of this application, MPWMD has followed those guidelines
adopted by the State of
Public notice has been provided no later than 10 days prior to this public hearing in several ways, including: (1) mailed notices to property owners within 300 feet of the subject parcel; (2) posted notice at the District office; (3) on-site posting as certified by the applicant; (4) notice of the public hearing to recipients of District meeting agendas for the May 21, 2009 meeting, including local print media; and (5) agenda and staff note materials on the District website. All files associated with the application are available for review at the District office. Detailed project plans are at the City of Monterey Community Development Department.
14-A Application #20081017DUN to Create the Dunnion
14-B Map of proposed system service area and well
14-C Draft Findings of Approval for Application #20081017DUN
14-D Draft Conditions of Approval for Application
14-E MPWMD consultant Technical Review dated November 13,
Provided to MPWMD Board under Separate Cover:
City of
Prepared by H. Stern, 5/8/09