
Authorize Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Contract with Spot Water Management to Conduct Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor Training


Meeting Date:

July 20, 2009





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:

Stephanie Pintar

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on July 14, 2009 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Staff is requesting Board authorization to enter into contract with Spot Water Management to conduct Landscape Water Auditor training and to administer and proctor the Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA) exam at the completion of the training.  Staff is further requesting authorization for the expenditure of budgeted funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for sponsoring tuition, site rental, class materials, lunch/refreshments, etc, and for advertising the training.  The class is planned for October or November 2009 in the Monterey area, and it is necessary to execute a contract with Spot Water Management before a date and other details can be finalized.  Funding for this training is reimbursable from California American Water and was included in the conservation budget approved by the Public Utilities Commission.


The Landscape Irrigation Auditor training involves the analysis of existing and reasonable landscape irrigation water use. This 1.5-day class trains auditors to collect site data, make maintenance and hardware recommendations, and prepare irrigation schedules.  The CLIA examination takes place following the class.


Andy Slack, President of Spot Water Management is the only CLIA trainer and proctor available in the Monterey area.  Spot Water Management is one of the District’s three contractors for conducting Landscape Water Audits and Budgets in compliance with District Rule 172.  CLIA are certified by the Irrigation Association, which is a non-profit entity that provides technical information related to irrigation services and offers professional training and certification to irrigation technicians in the public and private sectors. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends the Administrative Committee support this item with a recommendation to authorize the General Manager to enter into contract with Spot Water Management to conduct the Landscape Irrigation Auditor training and expenditure of funds in an amount-not-to exceed $5,000.




