Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

June 29, 2009


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM in the District Library.


Committee members present:    Bob Brower, Chair

Regina Doyle

Alvin Edwards 


Staff present:    Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                        Sara Reyes, Support Services Supervisor


District Counsel present:           David C. Laredo


Comments from Public

No comments were presented to the committee.


Action Items

1.                  Receive Minutes of April 14, 2009 Committee Meeting

On a motion by Director Edwards and second by Director Doyle, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


Discussion Items


2.                  Update on Progress of Development of an MOU with Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency on Water Supply Planning


Darby Fuerst, General Manager, provided an oral update to the committee on the progress of development of an MOU with Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency on Water Supply Planning.  David Laredo, District Counsel, also answered questions from the committee.  The committee took no further action on this item.


3.         Update on Progress on Development of an MOA with Marina Coast Water District on Water Supply Planning


General Manager Fuerst provided an oral update to the committee on the progress on development of an MOA with Marina Coast Water District.  The committee took no further action on this item.


4.                  Update on Response from Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency to MPWMD Request to Participate in the Leadership/Management Framework for Development of the Regional Water Supply Project

Darby Fuerst provided an oral update to the committee and distributed a memo from the Monterey County Board of Supervisors of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA), dated June 16, 2009, which summarized the recommendation that the MCWRA approve the Cooperative Planning and Joint Analysis for a Monterey Regional Water Supply Program Memorandum of Understanding.  Additionally, Darby distributed a letter dated June 2, 2009 from the managers of the participating agencies acknowledging the District’s request to be involved in the planning process for the proposed Monterey Regional Water Supply Program.  A meeting is likely to be scheduled in July 2009 between the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency and their Ad Hoc Water Supply Committee.  Mr. Fuerst will confirm the date and time and notify the committee once the meeting is scheduled.  No further action was taken by the committee.


5.                  Set Next Meeting Date


            The next meeting of the committee will convene at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, July 21, 2009.


6.                  Adjournment


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 AM.






