Meeting Board of
Directors Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District November 16, 2009 |
The meeting was called to
order at 7:00 PM in the District Conference Room. |
Directors Present: Kristi Markey, Chair --
Division 3 Judi Lehman – Division 2 Directors Absent: None General Manager present: District Counsel present: David C.
Laredo |
The assembly recited the
Pledge of Allegiance. |
No comments were directed
to the Board during Oral Communications. |
On a motion by Director
Pendergrass and second of Director Potter, the Consent Calendar was adopted
except for item 4 that was pulled for separate consideration. The motion was approved on a vote of 7 – 0. |
Adopted |
1. |
Adoption of Minutes of the October 19, 2009 Regular Board Meeting |
Adopted |
2. |
Consider Adoption of Resolution Expressing
Appreciation to Susan Rogers for Service on the |
Adopted |
3. |
Consider Adoption of Resolution Expressing
Appreciation to Richard H. Rosenthal for Service on the |
Director Lehman offered
a motion that was seconded by Director Edwards, to adopt the amended version
of the Sick Leave Provisions of Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Policy that
were submitted by staff at the meeting.
The motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0. |
4. |
Consider Approval of Sick Leave Provisions of
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Policy |
Adopted |
5. |
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Amend
Contract with |
Adopted |
6. |
Consider Expenditure of Funds for
Amendment to Database Programming Contract to Accommodate Changes for
Ordinance No. 140 & 141 Implementation, Functionality Improvements, and
Database Support and Maintenance |
Adopted |
7. |
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for
Landscape Irrigation Audits/Budgets (Rule 172) and Authorize the General
Manager to Amend Contract with Spot Water Management for Auditing Services |
8. |
Present Resolutions of Appreciation to Susan Rogers
and Richard H. Rosenthal for Service on the |
General Manager Fuerst
announced that the following staff members were recognized for longevity, but
were unable to attend the meeting: |
9. |
MPWMD Employees for Length of Service to the District |
Mr. Anthony reported that water
use for the twelve hotels in the main California American Water system with
the highest water consumption has dropped by 18 percent since September 30,
2008. Installation of a transmission
pipeline through Del Rey Oaks to facilitate full implementation of the Phase
1Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project should be completed by December 6,
2009. Mr. Anthony advised that at the
December 14, 2009 Board meeting, he will present a report on actions taken by
California American Water (Cal-Am) to reduce unaccounted for water losses. |
10. |
Monthly Report from California American Water
General Manager, Craig Anthony |
Henrietta Stern, Project
Manager, presented the report. An
outline of Ms. Stern’s presentation is on file at the District office and can
be viewed at the District’s website. |
11. |
Supply Project Alternatives Update |
12. |
Water Conservation Program Report |
General Manager Fuerst
reported that the Monterey County Board of Supervisors appointed |
13. |
on Outcome of November 3, 2009 Election |
14. |
Status Report on |
Mr. Fuerst reported that
for the Water Year ending September 30, 2009, water production in the Hidden
Hills Water Distribution System was 210 acre-feet, which was below the annual
limit of 229 acre-feet. Due to
conservation measures taken by residents in the Hidden Hills area, and
improvements to the system made by Cal-Am, water production was below the
previous year level of 227 acre-feet.
If water production is maintained below 0.482 acre-feet per
connection, the water permit moratorium in Hidden Hills could be lifted. |
15. |
Report on Hidden Hills Water Distribution System |
District Counsel Laredo
reported that at the October 19, 2009 Closed Session of the Board, staff was
directed to file a challenge to State Water Resources Control Board Order WR
2009-0060, specifically to file a petition for writ of mandate and
declaratory relief within 24 hours of issuance of the Final Cease and Desist
Order. The vote was 4 in favor
(Edwards, Lehman, Brower and Pendergrass) and 1 opposed (Markey), with two Directors
absent (Doyle and Potter). At the
November 16, 2009 Closed Session, the Board discussed matters listed on the
agenda and provided direction to staff, with no reportable action taken on
items A, B, C, E, G, H, I and 4. In
the matter of items D and F, the Board directed Counsel to oppose Cal-Am’s
request for a moratorium. The motion
was adopted on a vote of 6 – 1.
Directors Brower, Doyle, Edwards, Lehman, Pendergrass and Potter voted
in favor of the motion. Director
Markey was opposed. |
16. |
on 5:30 PM Closed Session of the Board |
3. |
Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation
(Gov. Code 54945.9 (a)) |
A. |
of California American Water Company to the Public Utilities Commission
Application No. 04-09-019 – Coastal Water Project |
B. |
of California American Water Company to PUC Application No. 09-XX-XXX
–Mitigation Cost Reimbursement |
C. |
D. |
MPWMD v. State Water
Resources Control Board; Superior
Court Case No. M102101 |
E. |
F. |
G. |
Club, Carmel River Steelhead Association v. California American Water, Gary
Locke, Department Of Commerce, Dr. Jane Lubchenko (NOAA), and Rodney McInnis
(NMFS), (U.S. District Court, Northern District. Case No. 09 2870) |
H. |
I. |
4. |
Conference with Labor
Negotiators (Gov. Code 54957.6) |
Designated Representatives: |
Organization: General Staff and
Management Bargaining Unites Represented by United Public Employees of
California/LIUNA, Local 792 |
5. |
to 7 PM Session |
Director Edwards thanked
Susan Rogers for her service to the Carmel River Advisory Committee. He announced that he is searching for
another appointee to the Committee.
Director Lehman announced that she had viewed the movie, Blue
Gold. She encouraged members of the
public to see the film. She suggested
that the District organize a public viewing of the film, possibly in
cooperation with another special district or jurisdiction. |
17. |
Oral Report on Activities of County, Cities, Other
Agencies/Committees/ Associations |
Director Pendergrass
made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 140.
The motion was seconded by Director Potter and adopted on a unanimous
vote of 7 – 0. The following comments were
received during the public hearing on this item. (1)
Heidi Niggemeyer, Regional Program Manager for the Monterey Regional
Water Pollution Control Agency Stormwater Program, expressed concern about
the environmental damage caused by installation of impervious surfaces such
as synthetic turf. She warned that
stormwater quality regulations may be modified to prohibit the installation
of impervious surfaces. She noted that
an expert in the field, Eric Bernston, may be contacting the District
regarding this issue. She recommended that the District should provide
rebates for installation of natural landscapes, instead of synthetic turf. (2) George
Riley stated that the cost of the program would be approximately $1,300
per acre foot, based on a savings of 230 acre-feet of water. |
18. |
Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 140 Amending the Rebate Program
Amounts, Deleting 1.6 Gallon Per Flush Toilets from the Rebate Program, and
Adding Rebates for Lawn Removal, Synthetic Turf Installation, and Other
Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Retrofits |
Director Doyle offered a
motion that was seconded by Director Brower, to adopt Ordinance No. 141. The motion was approved unanimously on a
vote of 7 – 0. No comments were directed
to the Board during the public hearing on this item. |
19. |
Consider Second Reading
and Adoption of Ordinance No. 141
Amending and Revising Regulation XIV -- Water Conservation--To Update and
Clarify Language and Add Non-Residential and Landscape Water Efficiency
Requirements |
On a motion by Director
Lehman and second of Director Potter, Item 20 was deferred to the December
14, 2009 Board meeting. George Riley addressed the
Board during the public comment period on this item. He stated that the cost to replace leaking
pipes in the Cal-Am system should be compared with the cost of a desalination
project, to determine which option for increasing the water supply is more
cost effective for the rate payers. |
20. |
Discussion of |
Director Pendergrass
offered a motion that was seconded by Director Brower, that the Board take no
action to modify District rules related to the Expanded Water Conservation
and Standby Rationing Plan. The motion
failed on a vote of 3 to 4. Directors
Pendergrass, Brower and Edwards voted in favor of the motion. Directors Doyle, Lehman, Markey and Potter
were opposed. Director Markey offered
a motion that was seconded by Director Doyle to bring an ordinance forward
for Board consideration that would modify the Expanded Water Conservation and
Standby Rationing Plan to delay implementation of Stage 5 and instead, enable
Stage 3 conservation regulations to be
in effect. The motion was approved on
a vote of 4 – 3. Directors Markey,
Doyle, Lehman and Potter voted in favor of the motion. Directors Brower, Edwards and Pendergrass
were opposed. The following comments were
received during the public comment period on this item. (1) |
21. |
Status Report/Overview of
State Water Resources Control Board October 20, 2009 Cease and Desist Order
WR 2009-0060 |
There was no discussion of
the Informational Items/Staff Reports. |
22. |
Letters Received |
23. |
Reports |
24. |
25. |
Conservation Program Report |
26. |
Allocation Report |
27. |
28. |
Water Supply Status Report |
The meeting was adjourned
at 9:10 PM. |