Joint Meeting of the
Policy Advisory Committee and the
Technical Advisory Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
The meeting was called to
order at 2:30 AM.
City of
City of
City of
City of
City of
Airport District
Management District
Members Absent
Del Rey Oaks PAC: Joe Russell TAC: Daniel Dawson
City of
Darby Fuerst, General Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Counsel Present:
David Laredo
No comments were directed to
the committee.
1. Receive Minutes of September 3, 2009 Committee Meeting
a motion by Potter and second by Hardgrave, the minutes were unanimously
2. Develop
Recommendation to the Board Regarding First
On a motion by Potter and
second by Bennett, the committee recommended that the Board of directors adopt
Ordinance No. 140 as presented. The
motion was approved on a vote of .
3. Develop
Recommendation to the Board Regarding Bifurcating Amendments to the
Conservation Regulation to Delay Requirements for High Efficiency Toilets and
Revisions that Affect Table 4: Ultra-Low
Consumption Appliance Credits
a motion by Della Sala and second of Hardgrave, the committee recommended that
the Board of Directors adopt the draft ordinance presented as Ordinance No.
141-A, and that consideration of rules that would establish High Efficiency
Toilet requirements for New Construction and Change of Ownership or Use be
deferred until a decision is made on the draft Cease and Desist Order against
California American Water. The motion
was approved unanimously on a vote of 11 -1.
Director Potter abstained from voting.
Comments by Policy and Technical Advisory Committee
No comments were received on any items not listed
on the agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately
3:30 P.M.