Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Public Outreach Committee
September 4, 2009
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9 AM in the District conference room.
Committee members present:
Kristi Markey
David Pendergrass
District staff
members present:
Others present: Karen Harris, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
Comments from the Public
No comments were presented.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of June 24, 2009 Committee Meeting
a motion by Director Markey, and second by Director Pendergrass, the minutes
were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
Oral Reports/Discussion Items
2. Review
Format and Content for District Newsletter and Discuss Distribution
The committee directed that: (1) a four-page newsletter in two colors be produced; (2) a Spanish language version be available on request; (3) topics to be featured will be the status of the decision on the Draft Cease and Desist Order, conservation savings achieved in Water Year 2008-09, and the California State 20/20 initiative; and (4) the newsletter should be distributed in early November 2009.
3. Update
on Development of Conservation Program Brochure
The committee reviewed the draft brochure and approved it with minor changes to the text and graphics. Staff was also directed to prepare a Spanish language translation of the brochure.
4. Update on Development of New Website Interface
Staff reported that work on upgrading the District website may begin in November 2009.
5. Review Calendar of Events for 2009 and Discuss Opportunities for Community Outreach
The committee discussed MPWMD participation in upcoming community events. Staff will check with organizers of the October 2009 Kidsfest, to determine if the District should participate. The committee also directed that the District comply with a request from the Technical and Policy Advisory Committees and publish an advertisement in the Monterey County Herald advising the public about upcoming Board consideration of an ordinance establishing new water conservation measures.
Set Next Meeting Date
No action.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM.